UNIST RAdioactive NUclear Materials (URANUM) Laboratory

핵연료재료 연구실

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핵연료재료 연구실

The URANUM is an experimental lab dedicated to nuclear fuel engineering and radiation materials science at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST). We are mainly interested in metallurgy, thermophysics, and irradiation behavior of uranium alloys and compounds as nuclear fuel in and outside of nuclear reactors. Some other materials that have to suffer radiation damage are also of our interest, such as zirconium alloys, stainless steels, and Al-B4C metal matrix composite (MMC) neutron absorbers.

Major research field

Nuclear Fuel Engineering; Radiation Materials Science

Desired field of research

Nuclear Fusion materials; Nuclear non-proliferation and materials safeguards technology

Research Keywords and Topics

Nuclear fuel engineering; Radiation materials science; Fabrication and processing, metallurgy, crystallography, microchemical analysis, and thermophysics of actinide alloys and compounds as nuclear fuel; Safety and performance analysis of nuclear materials under irradiation

Research Publications

· Computer Physics Communications 282, 108513 (2023), "SANTA: A safety analysis code for neutron absorbers in spent nuclear fuel pools," G. Kim, Y. Jung, M. Lee, E. Yoon*, S. Ahn*
· Journal of Nuclear Materials 555, (2021), "Radiation-induced swelling and precipitation in Fe++ ion-irradiated ferritic/martensitic steels," M. Lee, G. Kim, Y. Jung, S. Ahn*
· Journal of Nuclear Materials 533, (2020), "10B(n, α)7Li reaction-induced gas bubble formation in Al–B4C neutron absorber irradiated in spent nuclear fuel pool," Y. Jung, M. Lee, K. Kim, S. Ahn*


· 스파크 플라즈마 소결을 이용한 고밀도 핵연료 소결체 제조방법 / 안정수, 안상준, 김용희 / 2020-11
· 규화우라늄을 함유한 이산화우라늄 핵연료의 제조 방법 / 안정수, 안상준, 김용희 / 2020-7


  • EG. 원자력
  • EG05. 핵연료·원자력소재
  • EG0502. 핵연료 제조기술


  • 환경/에너지 프론티어 진흥
  • 031700. 미래형/일체형원자로기술


  • 에너지원기술
  • 원자력/핵융합
  • 235. 개량형 경수로 기타 기술


  • ET 분야
  • 에너지
  • 050218. 기타 에너지기술