National R&D Project

National R&D Project
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3490 기상청 [Announcement of New Call for Climate and Climate Change Forecast Technology Development Program] 2020년도 ‘기후 .. 2020.01.30 2020.03.02
3489 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of 2020 ICT-based Nuclear Safety Innovative Technology Development Program] 2020년도 ICT기반원자력.. 2020.01.31 2020.03.03
3488 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Core Technology Development of Future Advanced Reactor] 2020년도 미래선진원자로핵심요소기.. 2020.01.31 2020.03.03
3487 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Future Nuclear Technology Facilities and Equipment Utilization Program] 2020년도 미래원자력기.. 2020.01.31 2020.03.03
3486 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Programs for Producing Experts in Nuclear Safety Research]2020년도 원자력안전연구전문인력.. 2020.01.31 2020.03.03
3485 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Ultra Fine Dust Response Technology Development in Northeast Asia] 『동북아-지역 연계 초미세.. 2020.01.30 2020.02.28
3484 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of 2020 KIURI (Korea Initiative for fostering University of Research & Innovation) Program] 2020년.. 2020.01.31 2020.03.06
3483 교육부 [Announcement of Research Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences for First Half of 2020] 2020년도 상반기 인.. 2020.02.14 2020.02.20
3482 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Future Material Discovery Programme for 2020]2020년도 미래소재디스커버리사업 신규과제 .. 2020.01.22 2020.02.13
3481 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Brain Pool (BP+) Program for Inviting Outstanding Scientists from Overseas] 2020년 해외고급과학.. 2020.03.02 2020.03.13