정부 R&D 사업공고

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신규사업공모 신청시 주의점

사업신청을 원하시는 교수님께서는 사업마감일 5일 전까지 연구지원팀 과제 담당자에게 사업계획서를 제출하여주시기 바랍니다.

정부 R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
2344 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning 2014 Planning and research atomic energy research planning evaluation project call 2014.05.19
2343 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning 2014 2nd International cooperation foundation for atomic energy project call 2014.06.03
2342 교육부 Announcement of Applications for the 2014 Supporting Business for Civic Art Classes Program / 2014 시민인문강좌지.. 2014.06.09
2341 교육부 2014 creative experience program development project team call /2014년 창의체험 프로그램 개발사업단 공모.. 2014.06.02
2340 Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin’s Republic of Korea Science, Technology, and Research (RoKST&R) program 2014.06.04
2339 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 Public institution possessed technology joint utilization support project call / 2014년도『공공기관보유.. 2014.05.22
2338 한국연구재단[NRF] Policy research service project call(about developing the most suitable model for supporting Grants to Academic project).. 2014.05.09
2337 NRF Policy research service project call(about Writing publication suppoting field improvement including educatuinal books, .. 2014.05.09
2336 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 The region industry promotion project for growth-base-affiliation /성장거점연계 지역산업육성사업 신.. 2014.05.21
2335 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Local Industry Development Plans(Video Included) 2014.04.29