National R&D Project

National R&D Project
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
2300 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Industry with reliability Spreading Project Call / 신뢰성산업체확산사업 시행계획 공고 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.05.27
2299 Complete 2014 Material Parts Technology Development Business Planning Task Force Candidate Recruitment /소재부품기술개발.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.04.14
2298 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Material Parts Technology Development (Investor linked type. Venture type Professional Parts) / 소재부품기술.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.05.07
2297 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Industry Fusion Promotion Project Call / 산업융합촉진사업 신규지원 대상과제 공고 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.05.13
2296 Complete 2014 Sanhakfund new professors’ research funds Won-young Lee 2014.04.30
2295 Complete 한국과학창의재단 2014 STEAM outreach program development announcement / 2014년 융합인재교육(STEAM) 아웃리치 프로그램 개.. Park Hye-Ran 2014.05.02
2294 Complete 한국연구재단[NRF] Korea-Vietnam Science based creative economy forum main institutuion announcement / 한-베트남 과학기술기반 .. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.04.30
2293 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 1st Basic research infrastructure planning projects main researcher recruitment announcement / 2014년도 제1차.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.04.21
2292 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 Radiation research base development program call / 2014년도 방사선연구기반확충사업 신규과제 공.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.05.07
2291 Complete 한국연구재단[NRF] Korea goverment departments new medicine development program announcement / 범부처전주기신약개발사업단 .. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.04.25