R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
2437 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] Possible agenda recruitment for 4th Korea-Tunisia science technology joint committee / 제4차 한-튀니지 과학기.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.09.12
2436 Complete 교육부[MOE] 2014 MOE[Ministry of Education] 4th policy research project call / 2014년 교육부 4차 수시지원 정책연구과.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.09.03
2435 Complete 한국연구재단[NRF] 2015 Korea-Sweden research cooperation programme announcement / 2015도 한-스웨덴 연구교류지원사업(STINT) .. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.10.01
2434 Complete 한국연구재단[NRF] Policy Research project call / 정책연구용역과제(대학에서 활용 가능한 창업친화적 제도 및 프.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.08.25
2433 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 Korea-India science technology cooperation promotion project call / 2014년도 한-인도 과학기술협력확.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.09.30
2432 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] KIC-Washington center president recruitment / [공모] KIC-워싱턴 센터장 공모 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.09.19
2431 Complete 교육부[MOE] 2014 Regional innovative manpower training project industry-matching team recruitment / 2014년도 지역혁신창의.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.08.28
2430 Complete 교육부[MOE] 2014 MOE[Ministry of Education] 3rd policy research project call / 2014년 교육부 3차 수시지원 정책연구.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.08.25
2429 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2015 Global professional technology development project (main force and new industry) item demand survey call / 글로.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.09.29
2428 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 『 2014 Energy professional training project 』announcement (2nd) / 『 2014년 에너지인력양성사업』 신규.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.09.01