Nuclear Science, Simulation & Safety laboratory (NSSS)

원자력 과학, 시뮬레이션 및 안전해석 연구실

관련기사 바로가기

The NSSS lab aims to develop robust methodologies for rigorous treatment of uncertainties, identification of biases, and improved physics modeling for the evolving needs of the reactor physics and thermal-hydraulic fields. Target applications of the methodologies include reactor physics, BEPU, severe accident simulation, passive safety system assessment and design optimization. NSSS lab also explores new and innovative uses of nuclear science and technology including particle accelerator applications, alternative reactor coolants, and nuclear forensic techniques in nuclear nonproliferation.

Major research field

Reactor physics, uncertainty analysis & BEPU, Dynamic PSA, Severe accident thermal-hydraulics, Passive safety system assessment, Design optimization

Desired field of research

Research Keywords and Topics

Reactor Physics, CANDU system driven by electron linear accelerator, Probabilistic Safety Assessment

Research Publications

· NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT / Photoneutron reaction kinematics and error of commonly used approximations / Fynan, Douglas A. / 2020-10
· NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY / Operator Action–Induced Two-Phase Flow Condition Resulting in Performance Degradation of Interfacing Passive System / NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY / 2020-07
· ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY / Optimal working fluid charge and degradation thresholds for a closed-circuit intermediate natural circulation heat transport loop / Fynan, Douglas A.; Park, Jin Hee / 2018-08


  • EG. 원자력
  • EG01. 원자로노심기술
  • EG0102. 노심 핵설계 기술


  • 환경/에너지 프론티어 진흥
  • 031700. 미래형/일체형원자로기술


  • 에너지원기술
  • 원자력/핵융합
  • 233. 고속로 기술 기타 기술


  • ET 분야
  • 에너지
  • 050218. 기타 에너지기술