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The research interests in UNIST Biomath lab include mathematical modeling and simulation of biological and epidemic systems. Our recent researches have focused on COVID-19 modeling, mathematical modeling and computation of epidemic spread affected by climate change, and the stochastic analysis of biological systems.
Major research field
생물수학, 전염병 확산 수리 모델링 및 계산, 확률 분석 및 계산
Desired field of research
Research Keywords and Topics
Stochastic Analysis and Simulation
Epidemic Modeling and Computation
Mathematical Biology
Research Publications
MOREJE Kim, Y Choi, CH Lee, "Effects of climate change on Plasmodium vivax malaria transmission dynamics: A mathematical modeling approach", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 347, pp. 616-630, 2019
H Lee, JE Kim, S Lee, CH Lee, "Potential effects of climate change on dengue transmission dynamics in Korea", PLOS One, vol. 13 no.6, e0199205, 2018
H Lee, S Lee, CH Lee, "Stochastic methods for epidemic models: An application to the 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreak in Korea", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.286, pp.232-249, 2016.08.