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1. Therapeutics development for autoimmune diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, lupus
2. COVID-19 therapeutics development
3. Basic research on obesity and breast cancer
Major research field
Autoimmune disease, Metabolic disease, SARS-CoV2
Desired field of research
Research Keywords and Topics
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Non-alcoholic Steatotic Hepatitis, Anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics
Research Publications
MORELee JH, Suh JH, Choi SY, Kang HJ, Lee HH, Ye BJ, Lee GR, Jung SW, Kim CJ, Lee-Kwon W, Park J, Myung K, Park NH, Kwon HM. Tonicity-responsive enhancer protein promotes hepatocellular carcinogenesis, recurrence and metastasis. Gut 68: 347-358, 2019.
Choi SY, Lee-Kwon W, Kwon HM. The evolving role of TonEBP as an immunometabolic stress protein. Nature Review Nephrology 16(6): 352-364, 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41581-020-0261-1.
Kang HJ, Cheon NY, Park H, Jeong GW, Ye BJ, Yoo EJ, Lee JH, Hur JH, Lee EA, Kim H, Lee K, Choi SY, Lee-Kwon W, Myung K, Lee JY, Kwon HM. TonEBP recognizes R-loops and inititates m6A RNA methylation for R-loop resolution. Nucleic Acids Research 2021, 49(1): 269-284. doi:10.1093/n
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- 020114. 생명현상 및 기능연구