High-impact Weather Prediction Laboratory


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The High Impact Weather (HIW) Prediction Laboratory is researching and predicting various natural disasters such as typhoon, heavy snowfall, severe rain storm, heat wave, cold wave and etc. We study not only theoretical basis and mechanism of HIW but also numerical modeling of them. In particular, our researches focus on the real-time forecast of HIW and the investigation of its dynamical and physical processes with observations as well as model results. In addition, future changes in HIW related to climate change are also estimated through dynamical downscaling of climate change scenarios. Under the supervision of Prof. Cha, 1 research professor, 9 doctoral programs, 3 master's programs, 2 researchers, and 2 interns are composed of a total of 17 people, attending various domestic and foreign conferences every year and presenting their research results.
본 연구실은 수치 모델링을 통해 태풍, 폭설, 집중호우, 폭염, 한파 등과 같은 재해기상을 예측하고, 물리적/역학적 메커니즘을 연구합니다. 또한, 한반도 및 동아시아의 상세 기후 모의를 위한 지역기후모델을 개발하고, 이를 통해 미래 기후변화를 예측합니다. 차동현 교수님의 지도하에 연구교수 1명, 박사과정 9명, 석사과정 3명, 연구원 2명, 인턴 2명 총 17명으로 구성되어 매해 다양한 국내, 국외 학회를 참석하고 연구 성과를 발표하고 있습니다.

Major research field

태풍모델링, 지역기후모델링, 재해기상예측

Desired field of research

자료동화, 인공신경망

Research Keywords and Topics

Development and Improvement of Numerical Models
수치 모델 개발 및 개선
Real-time Tropical Cyclone Forecasting
실시간 태풍 예측
Regional Climate Modeling
지역 기후 모델링
High Impact Weather Prediction (Typhoon, Heavy Precipitation & Snowfall, Flood & Drought)
재해기상 예측 (태풍, 강우, 강설, 홍수, 가뭄)
Atmosphere-Ocean-Land Models Coupling
대기-해양-지면 모델 커플링

Research Publications

1. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES / Evaluation and Projection of Regional Climate over East Asia in CORDEX-East Asia Phase I Experiment / Kim, Gayoung; Cha, Dong-Hyun; Park, Changyong; Jin, Chun-Sil; Lee, Dong-Kyou; Suh, Myoung-Seok; Oh, Seok-Geun; Hong, Song-You; Ahn, Joong-Bae; Min, Seung-Ki; Kang, Hyun-Suk / 2021-02
2. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE / Comparison of tropical cyclone activities over the western North Pacific in CORDEX-East Asia phase I and II experiments / Lee, Minkyu; Cha, Dong-Hyun; Suh, Myoung-Seok; Chang, Eun-Chul Chang; Ahn, Joong-Bae; Min, Seung-Ki; Byun, Young-Hwa / 2020-12
3. CLIMATE DYNAMICS / Recent change in heat wave characteristics over Korea / Yoon, Donghyuck; Cha, Dong-Hyun; Lee, Myong-In; Min, Ki-Hong; Kim, Joowan; Jun, Sang-Yoon; Choi, Yonghan / 2020-10


1. 품질 보증 인증을 위한 CORDEX 파일 변환 프로그램 / 차동현, 김가영 / 2019-11
2. 저지고기압 강도 계산 프로그램 / 차동현, 황지원 / 2019-11


  • ND. 지구과학(지구/대기/해양/천문)
  • ND04. 대기과학
  • ND0405. 대기 모델링/예보기술