Web Security Lab

웹 보안 연구실

관련기사 바로가기

저희 연구실에서는 범용적 인터페이스인 웹을 안전하게 만들기 위한 기술들을 연구 개발하고 있습니다. 특별히, 모의침투테스팅, 퍼즈 테스팅, 정적 분석, 인공지능 등의 기술들을 활용하여 웹 위협들을 선제적으로 탐지 및 보고하는 과정을 통해 세상의 웹 생태계를 안전하게 만드는데 기여하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
In our laboratory, Web Security (WebSec) Lab, we conduct research and develop technologies aimed at enhancing the security of the universal interface—the web. Our primary goal is to contribute to the global effort of ensuring the security of the world's web by proactively detecting and reporting web threats. We achieve this through various cutting-edge technologies, including penetration testing, fuzz testing, static analysis, and artificial intelligence.

Major research field

웹 보안, 소프트웨어 보안 / Web security, Software security

Desired field of research

브라우저 보안, 인공지능 보안, 웹 서비스 보안 / Browser security, AI security, Web service security

Research Keywords and Topics

웹 보안, 자동화된 취약점 탐지, 소프트웨어 보안, 프로그램 분석
Web security, Automatic vulnerability detection, Software security, Program analysis

Research Publications

· DiffCSP: Finding Browser Bugs in Content Security Policy Enforcement through Differential Testing Seongil Wi, Trung Tin Nguyen, Jihwan Kim, Ben Stock, and Sooel Son, NDSS’23
· HiddenCPG: Large-Scale Vulnerable Clone Detection Using Subgraph Isomorphism of Code Property Graphs Seongil Wi, Sijae Woo, Joyce Whang, and Sooel Son, WWW’22
· Link: Black-Box Detection of Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities Using Reinforcement Learning Soyoung Lee, Seongil Wi, Sooel Son, WWW’22
· HearMeOut: Detecting Voice Phishing Activities in Android Joongyum Kim, Jihwan Kim, Seongil Wi, Yongdae Kim, and Sooel Son, MobiSys’22
· FUSE: Finding File Upload Bugs via Penetration Testing Taekjin Lee, Seongil Wi, Suyoung Lee, and Sooel Son, NDSS’20


· Method and System for Detecting Reflected Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities using Reinforcement Learning, Sooel Son, Soyoung Lee, and Seongil Wi, 2022
· Method and Apparatus for Detecting Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities for Web Interface of Software Defined Network, Sooel Son and Seongil Wi, 2022
· Algorithm for Detecting Bugs in Software-Defined Networking using Code Coverage, Sooel Son, Seongil Wi, Hyuntae Kim, and Hyunjoo Lee, 2022


  • EE. 정보/통신
  • EE03. 정보보호
  • EE0301. 공통 보안기술


  • 정보-지식-지능화 사회 구현
  • 011700. 정보보호기술


  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님


  • IT 분야
  • 정보처리 시스템 및 S/W
  • 010312. 정보보안 및 암호기술