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Mid-infrared to terahertz spectrum, ranging from 5 μm to 5 mm in wavelength, is the focus of basic research in solid-state physics, chemistry, materials science, as well as applications in next-generation communications, homeland security, biosensing, and medical imaging. This frequency range is at the intersection between photonics and electronics, presenting tremendous opportunities to probe and harness fundamental light-matter interactions. The emerging fields of plasmonics and metamaterials have shown new possibilities to boost such light-matter interactions using engineered nanostructures. To overcome the dimension mismatch between the long-wavelength radiations and the nanostructures, new lithography techniques that fabricate an array of metal gaps of nanometer-to-Ångstrom scale have been recently developed. These next-generation nanostructures will have a great impact on the advancement of field enhancement and confinement toward the next level of applications as the following:
THz/Mid-IR absorption spectroscopy for sensing.
- Ultra-sensitive detection and fingerprinting of biomolecules in aqueous solutions
- THz/Mid-IR imaging and spectroscopy for virus sensing
- Detection of ultra-small quantity of explosive materials with functional nanostructures
Ultrafast optical spectroscopy for 2D materials, magneto-optical photonic crystals, and superconductors in a broadband spectrum range.
- Enhanced critical temperature of superconductors combined with nanogap structures.
- Magneto-Plasmonics based on magneto-optical photonic crystals
- Ultra-sensitive Infrared detector at room temperature
Major research field
Optics, Ultrafast laser, nanostructure, nano-fabrications, Terahertz/Mid-IR imaging and spectroscopy
Desired field of research
Ultrafast spin dynamics, Infrared bolometer, Ferroelectric memory device, Magneto-plasmonics
Research Keywords and Topics
Optics, Ultrafast laser, nanostructure, nano-fabrications, Terahertz/Mid-IR imaging and spectroscopy
Research Publications
MORE- Advanced Optical Materials, "Terahertz biochemical molecule-specific sensors", Minah Seo, and Hyeong-Ryeol Park, Feb. 2020.
- Nano Letters, “Colossal absorption of molecules inside single terahertz nanoantennas”, Hyeong-Ryeol Park, Kwang Jun Ahn, Sanghoon Han, Young-Mi Bahk, Namkyoo Park, and Dai-Sik Kim, Feb. 2013.
- Nature Communications, “Atomic layer lithography of wafer-scale nanogap arrays for extreme confinement of electromagnetic waves”, Xiaoshu Chen, Hyeong-Ryeol Park, Matthew Pelton, Xianji Piao, Nathan C. Lindquist, Hyungsoon Im, Yun Jung Kim, Jae Sung Ahn, Kwang Jun Ahn, Namkyoo Park, Dai-Sik Kim, Sang-Hyun Oh, Sep. 2013.
- NB. 물리학
- NB05. 광학
- NB0509. 나노 광학
- 정보-지식-지능화 사회 구현
- 010400. 반도체/나노 신소자 기술
- 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
- 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
- 999. 녹색기술 관련과제 아님
- IT 분야
- 핵심부품
- 010114. 고밀도 정보저장장치 기술