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My main research interest focuses on developing novel optoelectronic devices, such as photodetectors, light emission devices, and optical modulators, using plasmonics and atomically thin low dimensional nanomaterials, including 1-dimensional materials, such as carbon nanotubes, and 2-dimensional materials such as graphene, black phosphorus, and transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) sheets. With studying the fundamental physics of quantum materials and optical systems and their hybrid systems, we will utilize those materials/hybrid systems for future optoelectronic applications such as on-chip ultrafast data communication and quantum information communication building blocks.
Major research field
Optical/Magnetic/Electrical Hybrid Devices based on 1D / 2D Materials
Desired field of research
Future Device Structures for Quantum Information Technology and Neuromorphic Computing
Research Keywords and Topics
– Novel Quantum Optoelectronic Devices based on Hybrids of 1D/2D Materials and Plasmonic Nanostructures
– Quantum Light Source based on Nano Materials for Quantum Information Communication
– Light-Matter Interaction (Polariton) of 2D Materials.
– Magneto-optic properties of 2D Materials.
Research Publications
MOREACS NANO /Ultraflat Sub-10 Nanometer Gap Electrodes for Two-Dimensional Optoelectronic Devices / Namgung, Seon; Koester, Steven J. ; Oh, Sang-Hyun /2021-02
ACS NANO / Ultrasmall Plasmonic Single Nanoparticle Light Source Driven by a Graphene Tunnel Junction / Namgung, Seon; Mohr, Daniel A.; Yoo, Daehan; Bharadwaj, Palash; Koester, Steven J.; Oh, Sang-Hyun / 2018-03
ACS NANO / Multimodal Photodiode and Phototransistor Device Based on Two-Dimensional Materials / Namgung, Seon; Shaver, Jonah; Oh, Sang-Hyun; Koester, Steven J. / 2016-11
- NB. 물리학
- NB06. 응집물질물리
- NB0617. 나노구조/나노소자
- 정보-지식-지능화 사회 구현
- 010400. 반도체/나노 신소자 기술
- 고효율화기술
- 전력효율성 향상
- 325. 전기기기 효율성향상기술
- NT 분야
- 나노소자 및 시스템
- 030111. 나노전자 소자기술