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Bioprinting technology enables the fabrication of computer-designed 3D microarchitectures consisting of multiple types of living cells, biomaterials, and biomolecules, making it possible to produce real organ/tissue-like cellular construct. Many researchers have reported that biomimetic design has a great effect not only on artificial tissue formations, but also on functional recovery of damaged organs. Our team is developing new 3D bioprinting systems and processes to build 3D precise cellular constructs with biomimetic architectures. Based on the technology, we are also conducting various studies on bio-applications such as artificial tissue/organ regeneration, wound healing, disease model, and body-on-a-chip.
Major research field
Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering, Artificial Tissue/Disease Model, Body-on-a-chip
Desired field of research
Clinic applications of Artificial tissue or organ, Artificial tissue/organ model for drug discovery market
Research Keywords and Topics
3D Bioprinting, Tissue engineering and Regenerative medicine, Artificial tissue/disease model, Body-on-a-chip
Research Publications
MORE· Biobabrication, Decellularized extracellular matrix-based bio-ink with enhanced 3D printability and mechanical properties (2020)
· Additive Manufacturing, Direct-write printing for producing biomimetic patterns with self-aligned neurites (2020)
· Nature Biotechnology, A 3D bioprinting system to produce human-scale tissue constructs with structural integrity (2016)
· [국외] A method for manufacturing cell spheroid using bio-ink. 16/751,008. United States. 20200123 & EP 20156113.1.
· [국외] Integrated Organ and Tissue Printing Methods, System and Apparatus. US 2012/0089238 A1. United States. 2012.
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