R&D 사업공고


Announcement of Support Plan for the Innovation Ecosystem of Free Economic Zones in 2021 /(산업부, 울산시)2021년도 경제자유구역 혁신생태계 조성사업 지원계획 공고

Dec 30. 2020

Announcement of Support Plan for the Innovation Ecosystem of Free Economic Zones in 2021

2021년도 경제자유구역 혁신생태계 조성사업 지원계획 공고

  • Research Period: 2021.03.01.~2021.12.31.
  • Application Period : 2020.12.23.~2021.01.29
  • Purpose: The government intends to systematize and upgrade the innovative growth ecosystem centering on the main attraction sectors of the free economic zones to foster them as global new industrial hubs
  • 사업목적: 경제자유구역의 중점유치업종을 중심으로 혁신성장 생태계를 체계화, 고도화하여 글로벌 신산업 거점으로 육성하고자 함.


  • Research details and scale of support


Details  Project Research expenses Remark
Creating an Innovation Cluster Foundation Promote cooperation in the formation and operation of industry-academic clusters by technology and industry, focusing on the main attraction industry. About 2.5 billion won per research RFP-1
Enterprise Business Capacity Enhancement Accelerate corporate growth by supporting inter-company collaboration programs such as support for regulatory exceptions, commercialization, and marketing based on corporate demand About 300 million won per research RFP-2


  • 사업내용 및 지원규모


내역사업명 사업내용 지원규모 비고
혁신클러스터 기반조성 중점유치업종 중심으로 기술·업종별 상시 산학연 클러스터를 구성·운영 협업 추진 과제당 2.5억원 내외 RFP-1
기업비즈니스 역량강화 기업수요에 기반하여 규제특례 지원, 사업화, 마케팅 등 기업간 협업 프로그램을 지원함으로써 기업 성장 가속화 과제당 3억원 내외 RFP-2
  • How to apply: Online registration-  application through the National Treasury Subsidy Management System (e-Naradohum/http://www.gosims.go.kr)
  • 신청방법:국고보조금관리시스템(e-나라도움/http://www.gosims.go.kr)을 통해 신청
  • Contach:

    Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s Free Economic Zone Planning Group

    ○ Officer: Officer Park Eun-jung (044-203-4611, peje@Korea.kr)

  • 문의처

산업통상자원부 경제자유구역기획단

○ 담당관 : 박은정 사무관(044-203-4611, peje@korea.kr)


*Please check the attached file for more details.