OB/HRM Insights Lab

OB/HRM Insights Lab

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OB/HRM Lab은 다양한 이슈, 팀 역학 및 리더십과 관련된 연구 주제에 중점을 둔 연구를 하고 있습니다.
The lab mainly focuses on research topics related to diversity issues, team dynamics, leadership, and people side of entrepreneurship.

Major research field

diversity, leadership, team dynamics, people side of entrepreneurship

Desired field of research

AI interview, virtual reality

Research Keywords and Topics

diversity, leadership, team, entrepreneurship

Research Publications

*Hong, W., *Zhang, L., & Gajendran, R. (in press). Relative status and dyadic help seeking and giving: The roles of past helping history and power distance value. Human Relations.

Zhang, L., Choi, Y. R., & Zhao, H. (2021). Stereotypes about academic entrepreneurs and their negotiation counterparts' collaborative behavior. Small Business Economics, 57, 1269-1284.

Zhang, L., Goldberg, C., & McKay, P. (2020). From new hires to their supervisors: The influence of newcomer race/ethnicity on the leader-member exchange conveyance. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93, 767-789.

* denotes equal contribution of authors.