

우주개발 진흥법 일부개정안 의견조회(Opinion inquiry on partial amendment to the Space Development Promotion Act)

Mar 10. 2023

‘법제업무 운영규정 제11조(정부 입법 과정에서의 기관 간 협조)’, ‘거대공공연구정책과 880(우주개발 진흥법 일부개정안 의견조회)’ 관련입니다.
관련하여 개정안에 대한 의견이 있으신 경우 2023.3.20.까지 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.

– 제출방법 : 이메일(7907kmj@msit.go.kr)
– 문의처: 과학기술정보통신부 거대공공연구정책과 김민정 사무관(044-202-4629)


It is related to ‘Legislative Affairs Operation Regulations Article 11 (inter-agency cooperation in government legislative process)’ and ‘Large Public Research Policy Division 880 (Inquiry on Partial Amendment to the Space Development Promotion Act)’.
In this regard, we are sending a partial amendment to the Space Development Promotion Act as an attachment. If you have any comments on the amendment, please submit them by March 20, 2023.

– How to submit: E-mail(7907kmj@msit.go.kr)
– Inquiries: Minjeong Kim(044-202-4629), Massive Public Research Policy Division, Ministry of Science and ICT