정부 R&D 사업공고


The Research Funding Opportunity Announcement for 2014 Global Research Network Program /2014년 글로벌연구네트워크지원사업 신규과제 공고

Feb 21. 2014
담당자[ person in charge ] 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 관련분야[ Related research area ]
연락처[ Contacts ] 이메일[ E-mail ] breakthru4@unist.ac.kr
부처명[ Goverment department ] 한국연구재단[NRF] 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] 한국연구재단[NRF]
공고일[ Announcement date ] 2014.02.20 접수마감일[ Deadline ] 2014.04.07
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] 2014.04.07

2014년 글로벌연구네트워크지원사업(GRN, Global Research Network Program) 신규공고를 실시하오니 연구자 여러분의 관심과 참여 바랍니다. 

 가. 사업목적 Program Objectives   
   – 해외 우수대학 및 연구기관 연구자들과의 공동연구 및 네트워크 구축을 통해 국내 연구역량 제고 및 세계수준의
      연구성과 창출  
      Create world-class research projects by establishing links between Korean and foreign researchers
   – 영문연구계획서, 국제공동평가제 등 글로벌화된 연구지원시스템 구축  
      Establishing globalized Research support system as English Research Proposal and International 
      assessment system

 나. 지원분야 Research Field  
   – 인문사회 : 전 학문분야(복합, 예술체육 포함) 
      Humanities and Social Sciences : all areas of concentration
   – 이공분야 : 기초과학(기초의약학 포함) 분야  
      Natural Science and Engineering : basic science including basic medicine and pharmacy
   ※ 단, 이공계 분야는 기초과학 및 기초의약학 분야의 신진연구인력(박사학위 취득후 7년 이내 혹은 만 40세이내)
       에 한정함  
       In the area of science and engineering, Korean PI’s must be considered a “Young Scientist”.  
         Researchers qualify as “Young Scientists” if they have received their PhD within 7 years or
         are under 40 years of age at the time of application.  In the area of humanities and social
         sciences, there is no such limitation

 다. 지원유형 : 국내외 연구자의 공동연구 수행 형태  
      Research Type : All research projects should be joint activities between researchers from 
                             Korea and researchers from abroad

 라. 지원규모 Duration and Scope of Support 
   – 지원금액 : 연 1억원 이내(인문사회 8천만원 이내)/간접비 별도  
      The amount of fund(Scope) : Maximum 100million KRW per year
                                                 (Humanities and Social Sciences : under 80million which doesn’t include
                                                  overhead cost)
   – 지원기간 : 3년 이내  
      Duration : 1~3 years
   – 지원예정 과제 수 : 37과제 내외
      Estimated number of beneficiary programs : approximately 37  
   ※ 2014년도 연구개시일 : 2014. 9. 1.  
       2014 Research start date : 2014. 9. 1.  

 마. 지원대상 및 자격 : 첨부자료 공고문 및 신청요강 참조 
     Target for support and qualification : Please refer to the document attached        

 바. 신청방법 : 온라인 신청  
       Application Method : Online

 사. 신청기간  Period 
   – 연구자 신청 : 2014. 4. 1.(화) 14:00 ~ 4. 7.(월) 18:00 
      Reseacher application : 2014. 4. 1. 14:00 ~ 4. 7. 18:00 
   – 소속기관 확인 : 2014. 4. 8.(화) 14:00 ~ 4. 9.(수) 18:00 
      Approval of research managing department : 2014. 4. 8. 14:00 ~ 4. 9. 18:00 

 아. 문의처 Contact 
    – 사업 및 연구지원 일반 : 국제연구사업팀(T. 02-3460-5638~9) 
       About Project : International Research Project Team(02-3460-5638~9) 
    – 연구지원통합시스템 및 KRI 관련 : 정보팀 Help Desk(1544-6118)
       About System  and KRI : System helper(1544-6118)
첨부 : 1. 2014년도 글로벌연구네트워크지원사업 공고문 1부 
            2014 Global Research Network Program Announcement(in Korean)
         2. 2014년도 국문 신청요강 1부  
            2014 Global Research Network guidelinesi(in Korean)
            * 2014 Global Research Network guidelines english version will be noticed in March 2014

   ※ 상기 별첨자료 중 별첨3/4, 온라인신청방법, FAQ 등은 연구자 신청일 전까지 한국연구재단 홈페이지에 제공될 예정임 

한국연구재단 국제협력센터 
Email : yokang@nrf.re.kr/pej80@nrf.re.kr