R&D 사업공고


Contest for ‘Resolving Local Community Field Problems Based on Resident Participation Digital’ | ‘주민참여 디지털 기반 지역사회 현장문제 해결’ 공모

Feb 22. 2021

‘주민참여 디지털 기반 지역사회 현장문제 해결’ 공모

행정안전부와 한국지역정보개발원은 주민이 직접 참여하고 민관협업을 바탕으로 지역격차 완화, 시민안전 확보 등 현장 문제를 해결하여 지역활력을 제고시키기 위한 ‘주민참여 디지털 기반 지역사회 현장문제 해결 공모’를 아래와 같이 추진하오니 관심있는 기관의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.


1. 과제개요

  • 공모명 : 주민참여 디지털 기반 지역사회 현장문제 해결 공모
  • 공모주체 : 행정안전부(총괄기관), 한국지역정보개발원(전담기관)
  • 수행주체 : 민간 기업, 법인이 자치단체와 컨소시엄 구성하여 수행
  • 지원기간 : 협약체결일로부터 2021.11.30까지(*협약 종료 후에도 최소 1년간 테스트 환경 유지, 서비스 제공 및 성과관리 필수)
  • 지원규모 : 12개 과제 내외(지역격차완화 8개 내외 각 8천만원 규모, 시민안전확보 4개 내외 각 1억 2천만원 규모 지원 예정)
  • 주요내용 : 1)지역격차완화 분야, 2)시민안전확보 분야 중 택1(*동일 과제로 2개 분야 중복 신청 불가, 1개 분야만 선택하여 신청 가능)
  • 심사방식 : 예비심사(서류 및 발표심사, 1.3배수), 본심사(발표심사)
  • 신청방법 : 이메일 접수(proposal@klid.or.kr)


2. 문의처 : 한국지역정보개발원 공공서비스기획부(02-2031-9298, 9259, 9258, 9264)


3. 기타 : 공모과제와 관련한 자세한 사항은 한국지역정보개발원 홈페이지 내 확인


Contest for ‘Resolving Local Community Field Problems Based on Resident Participation Digital’

The Ministry of the Interior and Safety and the Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute are the’Resident Participation Digital-Based Regions’ aimed at enhancing local vitality by solving on-site issues such as reducing regional gaps and securing civic safety based on public-private partnerships with residents’ direct participation. The’Social Field Problem Solving Competition’ is being promoted as follows, so we hope that interested organizations will participate.


1. Task outline

  • Title of Competition: Contest for solving community field problems based on digital participation of residents
  • Competition subject: Ministry of the Interior and Safety(general agency), Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute(dedicated agency)
  • Implementing entity: Private companies and corporations form a consortium with local governments
  • Support period: From the date of signing the agreement until November 30, 2021 (*Even after the conclusion of the agreement, maintenance of the test environment for at least one year, service provision and performance management are required)
  • Scale of support: Around 12 projects (approximately 8 areas to reduce regional gaps and KRW 80 million each, 4 to secure citizens’ safety, and KRW 120 million each)
  • Main Contents: 1) Regional Gap Reduction Area, 2) Citizen Safety Security Area (*Duplicate application in 2 areas is not allowed for the same project, only 1 area can be selected and applied)
  • Examination method: preliminary examination (document and presentation examination, 1.3 times), main examination (presentation examination)
  • How to apply: Email submission (proposal@klid.or.kr)


2. Inquiries: Korea Local Information Research & Development Institute, Public Service Planning Department(02-2031-9298, 9259,9258, 9264)


3. Others: For more information on the contest project, check on the website of the Korea Regional Information Development Institute (http://www.klid.or.kr/section/board/bbs_view.html?total_cnt=235&PID=notice&seq=7583)