R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
2369 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Post genome several department dielectric business project call / 포스트게놈다부처유전체사업 신규지.. 2014.07.29
2368 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Industry core technology development project medical equipment field program call / 산업핵심기술개발사업 .. 2014.06.30
2367 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Core medical equipment commercialization technology development project call / 핵심의료기기제품화기술개.. 2014.06.30
2366 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Urban humanities supporting project briefing session announcement / 2014 인문도시지원사업 설명회 개.. 2014.06.13
2365 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Urban humanities supporting project call / 2014 인문도시지원사업 신청요강 공고 2014.06.27
2364 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 High-tech medical equipment development support center project call / 첨단의료기기개발지원센터지원사.. 2014.06.30
2363 한국연구재단[NRF] 「IP Innovation Bridge project(a tentative name)」demand survey / 「IP Innovation Bridge 사업(가칭)」 기술.. 2014.06.16
2362 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Cutting-edge science and education herb development(EDISON) project call / (재공고) 2014년도「첨단 사이.. 2014.06.12
2361 한국연구재단[NRF] Korea goverment departments new medicine development program announcement / 『(재)범부처신약개발사업단』.. 2014.06.27
2360 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Korea-Mongolia New coresearch project call / 2014년도 한-몽골 신규 공동연구과제 공모 실시 2014.07.01
2359 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Korea-EU coresearch supporting project call / 2014년 한-EU 공동연구지원사업 사전공고 2014.11.28
2358 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Korea-US BT Creative economy leader traning project call / 2014년도 한미 BT 창조경제 리더양성사업 .. 2014.06.30
2357 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Korean-style SGER(Small Grant for Exploratory Research) project call / 2014년도 한국형 SGER(Small Grant for .. 2014.06.23
2356 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 「Handicapped person industry technology manpower training」Project call / 장애인 산업기술인력양성 사업.. 2014.06.23
2355 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Regional special industry development project support plan announcement/ 지역특화산업육성사업 지원계.. 2014.06.20
2354 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 New drugs development support center R&D project call / 2014년도 신약개발지원센터 R&D지원.. 2014.06.02
2353 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 Korea-India manpower exchange(Internship) program call / 2014년도 『한-인도 인력교류(인턴십) 프로.. 2014.06.30
2352 MOE 2014 STEAM program developing open call/2014년 융합인재교육(STEAM) 프로그램 개발 공모 안내 2014.06.09
2351 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Mensuration technique enhancement program New support project announcement / 계량.측정기술고도화사업 신.. 2014.06.12
2350 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 Bio-Medical treatment technique development project call / 2014년도 바이오의료기술개발사업 신규과.. 2014.05.26
2349 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 Brain science fundmental technology development project call / 2014년도 뇌과학원천기술개발사업 신.. 2014.05.26
2348 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 Korea-EU(ERC) exchange cooperation support project call / 2014년도 한‧EU(ERC) 간 연구자 교류협력 지.. 2014.06.27
2347 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning Joint research between Korea and the UK on the subject of radioactive waste disposal 2014.05.30
2346 삼성미래기술육성센터 [공고] SAMSUNG Future technique development center program call / 삼성미래기술육성센터 기술테마 공고 .. 2014.06.27
2345 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Sport science fusion research project call / (신규과제 재공모)2014년도「스포츠과학화 융합연구.. 2014.05.22
2344 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning 2014 Planning and research atomic energy research planning evaluation project call 2014.05.19
2343 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning 2014 2nd International cooperation foundation for atomic energy project call 2014.06.03
2342 교육부 Announcement of Applications for the 2014 Supporting Business for Civic Art Classes Program / 2014 시민인문강좌지.. 2014.06.09
2341 교육부 2014 creative experience program development project team call /2014년 창의체험 프로그램 개발사업단 공모.. 2014.06.02
2340 Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin’s Republic of Korea Science, Technology, and Research (RoKST&R) program 2014.06.04