R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3830 [MFDS]식약처 2021 3rd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(Service) 2021년 제3차 식약처 용역연구개발과제 주관.. 2021.02.08 2021.02.15
3829 한국과학창의재단 Demand survey to discover 2021 policy research projects by the Korea Science and Creativity Foundation / 한국과학창.. 2021.02.09 2021.02.28
3828 식품의약품안전평가원 2021 Field demand survey for safety technology such as food and medicine / 2021년 식품·의약품 등의 안전기술.. 2021.02.08 2021.02.28
3827 과학기술정보통신부 Request for’Korea-Malta ICT and Digital Cooperation Status and Cooperation Agenda’ / 한-몰타 ICT·디지.. 2021.02.08 2021.03.02
3826 [MFDS]식약처 2021 2nd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(designated) 2021년 식약처 제2차 출연연구개발과제(.. 2021.02.03 2021.03.05
3825 에너지경제연구원 Korea Energy Economics Institute request for cooperation in research demand survey for the first half of 2021 / 에너.. 2021.02.03 2021.02.10
3824 [MFDS]식약처 2021 New Call for Regulatory Science Talent Training Project 2021년 식약처 「규제과학 인재양성사업」 주.. 2021.01.28 2021.03.02
3823 산업통상자원부 Request for cooperation in demand survey for non-R&D business (Ministry of Industry) in the 2022 bioconvergence ind.. 2021.02.02 2021.02.26
3822 과학기술정보통신부 Korea-Italian science and technology, ICT cooperation status and discovery of agenda / 한-이탈리아 과학기술, IC.. 2021.02.02 2021.02.17
3821 ME(환경부) [2021 New Call for Environmental Technology Development Program] 2021년도 환경기술개발사업 공고 2021.01.11 2021.02.01
3820 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of New Call for 2021 BP(Brain Pool / Brain Pool+) programs] 2021년 해외우수과학자유치사업(Brai.. 2021.02.15 2021.08.31
3819 [MFDS]식약처 2021 2nd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(Joint) 2021년 제2차 식약처 공동연구개발사업 주관.. 2021.01.22 2021.02.22
3818 [MFDS]식약처 2021 4th Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(Service) 2021년 제4차 식약처 용역연구개발과제 주관.. 2021.01.22 2021.02.22
3817 [URI]울산연구원 Call for Ulsan Industrial-Academic R&D Project in 2021 2021년 울산산학연구과제 공모 안내 2021.01.25 2021.02.21
3816 국토교통부 Announcement of 「2021 Smart Campus Challenge Project」 2021년 스마트캠퍼스 챌린지 사업 공모 2021.03.11 2021.03.12
3815 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Support for Fostering Science and Technology Workers’ Cooperative Project(local community innovat.. 2021.02.02 2021.02.15
3814 [MOE]교육부 [2021 New call for Academic Research Support Program in Science and Engineering] 2021년도 이공분야 학술연구지.. 2021.02.26
3813 [DAEGU SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL]대구과학고등학교 [New Call for 2021 DAEGU SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL R&E project] 2021학년도 대구과학고등학교 자율연구 과제.. 2021.01.12 2021.02.17
3812 과학기술정보통신부(MSIT) Proposal for cooperation agenda in the field of science and technology and ICT between Korea and Russia and request for .. 2021.01.13 2021.02.05
3811 [MFDS]식약처 2021 3rd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(Service) 2021년 제3차 식약처 용역연구개발과제 주.. 2021.02.04
3810 과학기술정보통신부 Information on recruitment plan for ‘2021 KARI Commissioned Research Project’ / 2021년 한국항공우주.. 2021.01.01 2021.01.15
3809 산업통산자원부 Announcement of Support Plan for the Innovation Ecosystem of Free Economic Zones in 2021 /(산업부, 울산시)2021년.. 2020.12.30 2021.01.29
3808 [MFDS]식약처 2021 2nd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects 2021년 제2차 식약처 연구개발사업 주관연구기관 .. 2020.12.23 2021.01.22
3807 과학기술정보통신부 Request for proposal of cooperation agenda in Korea-Philippines science and technology field and submission of major coo.. 2020.12.23 2021.01.22
3806 [MOE]교육부 [2021 Call for NISE(National Institute of Special Education) Research Projects] 2021년 국립특수교육원 일반연.. 2020.12.22 2021.01.05
3805 [MFDS]식약처 Reannouncement: 2021 1st Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects 2021년 제1차 식약처 지정공모 및 자.. 2020.12.03 2020.12.10
3804 [MFDS]식약처 Reannouncement: 2021 1st Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(Service) 2021년 제1차 식약처 용역연구.. 2020.12.02 2020.12.09
3803 과학기술정보통신부 2021 Cloud Flagship Project Demand Survey / 2021년 클라우드 플래그십 프로젝트 추진 분야 수요조사 .. 2020.11.26 2020.12.02
3802 [MFDS]식약처 Reannouncement: 2021 1st Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects 2020.11.27 2020.12.04
3801 과학기술정보통신부 Demand survey for planning the “Private Business Creation Public Innovation Platform” project in 2021 / 2021년 R.. 2020.11.23 2020.12.28