R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3422 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Announcement of 2018 Implementation Plans for Industrial Fusion Technology Promotion Business]「산업융합기술진.. 2018.11.28
3421 [MSIT/MOE] 과기정통부/교육부 [2019 Announcement of New Support for Basic Research Program]2019년도 기초연구사업 신규과제 공모 2018.11.28 2019.03.08
3420 [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 2019 ICT-based Public Service Project Demand Survey and Business Presentation / 2019년도 ICT기반 공공서비스 촉.. 2018.11.07 2018.11.30
3419 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement of New Support for Clean Firepower Core Technology Development Business]2018년도 청정화력핵심.. 2018.10.26 2018.11.26
3418 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Announcement of 2018 2nd Support for Korea-Japan Export-related Automobile Parts Technology Development]2018년도 제2.. 2018.10.26 2018.11.23
3417 한국원자력안전기술원 [2019 Announcement of Service Project for Local Radioactivity Measurement Station]한국원자력안전기술원 2019년.. 2018.10.29 2018.11.30
3416 [KIF]소방청 2020 research project demand survey for fire safety field / 2020년 소방안전분야 기술수요조사 실시 2018.11.02 2018.12.27
3415 [MOIS]행정안전부 2019 Research project demand survey for utilizing advanced information technology Public services / 2019년도 첨단정.. 2018.10.23 2018.11.19
3414 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Re-announcement of 2018 3rd New support for Industrial core technology R&D project](재공고)2018년도 제3차 .. 2018.10.15 2018.10.26
3413 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement of 2nd New Call for Aerospace Part Technology Development Project]2018년도 제2차 항공우주부.. 2018.10.22 2018.11.13
3412 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Announcement of 2018 Implementation Plan for Automobile Component ]2018년 자동차부품기업 공급생태계 고도.. 2018.10.17 2018.11.16
3411 식품의약품안전처[MFDS] [2019 Announcement of 1st New Call for Main Institue of R&D Service Project]2019년 제1차 용역연구개발과.. 2018.10.22 2018.11.20
3410 식품의약품안전처[MFDS] [2019 Announcement of 1st New Call for Government-funded R&D Project]2019년 제1차 출연연구개발과제 지.. 2018.10.22 2018.11.20
3409 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement of Smartization Business for Commercialized Specification Vehicle Electric Parts]2018년도 상용특.. 2018.10.17 2018.11.16
3408 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Announcement of Multi-purpose Small Electric Truck Platform Development Business]2018년도 다목적 소형 전기 특.. 2018.10.17 2018.11.16
3407 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Announcement of 2018 New Call for Eco-friendly LNG Engine Type Mixer Truck Development Project]2018년도 친환경 LNG.. 2018.10.17 2018.11.16
3406 [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of 2018 New Call for General Research Exchange Support Business]2018년도 일반연구교류지원사업 .. 2018.10.30 2018.11.21
3405 [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of New Call for Commissioned Research Project for Nuclear Fusion Research Plan Assessment]2018년도 핵.. 2018.10.22 2018.10.31
3404 [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [2019 1st Announcement of Space Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation Project]2019년도 제1차 우주원자력.. 2018.10.16 2018.11.27
3403 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Second Announcement of New Support for Occasional Development of Industrial Field Core Technology]2018년도 제2.. 2018.10.22 2018.10.29