R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
132 한국전력공사 [KEPCO Research Institute] Recruitment of institutions to perform 『2020-3rd Basic Research Project』 /[한전 전력.. 2020.10.22 2020.11.18
131 한국과학창의재단(KOFAC) 2020 2nd half Call for Research Project for science gifted students eduation 2020년 하반기 과학영재교육 정책.. 2020.09.23 2020.10.19
130 한국전력공사 [Announcement of recruitment of organizations to perform ‘Basic Research Strategic Tasks (groups) for KEPCO’.. 2020.09.08 2020.10.05
129 소방청 [2021 Research demand survey of National Fire Research Institute of Korea] 2021년 국립소방연구원 연구과제 .. 2020.09.04 2020.10.02
128 한국과학기술원(KAIST) 2021 Korea Science Academy of KAIST R&E project call/ 2021학년도 R&E 프로그램 과제공모 안내 2020.09.01 2020.10.12
127 KAIST(한국과학기술원) [K-CLOUD Manpower Training Program Announcement of New Call for short-term training and recruitment of postdoctoral rese.. 2020.08.26 2020.09.11
126 Hyundai NGV [New call for research project of Hyundai NGV] 2020년 현대자동차그룹 미래기술연구과제 2020.06.05 2020.07.03
125 Foundation [New call for research project of POSCO Science Fellowship] 포스코 사이언스 펠로 신청 2020.06.01 2020.06.30
124 한국수력원자력(주) [Announcement of New Call for K-CLOUD (Manpower Training) Program] 2020 K-CLOUD “인력양성분야” 연구과제 .. 2020.06.18 2020.07.16
123 한국수력원자력(주) [Announcement of Open Call for KHNP’s K-CLOUD R&D Program] 한수원 개방형 R&D ‘K-CLOUD’.. 2020.06.18 2020.07.16