R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3841 해양수산부 Demand survey for Arctic research using icebreaking research vessels / 쇄빙연구선 활용 북극연구 수요조사 2021.02.23 2021.02.26
3840 행정안전부 Contest for ‘Resolving Local Community Field Problems Based on Resident Participation Digital’ | ‘주.. 2021.01.20 2021.03.01
3839 국토교통부 「2021 Drone Regulation Sandbox Project」 Competition Guide | 「2021년 드론 규제 샌드박스 사업」 공모.. 2021.03.22 2021.03.23
3838 농림축산식품부 Announcement of application for “2021 Smart Farm Multi-Ministry Package Innovative Technology Development” /.. 2021.02.22 2021.03.08
3837 과학기술정보통신부 [2021 Announcement of Korea-USA International Neclear Joint Research(I-NERI)] 2021년 한·미 원자력국제공동연.. 2021.02.16 2021.03.17
3836 과학기술정보통신부 [2021 Announcement of Programs for Producing Experts in Nuclear Safety Research] 2021년도 원자력안전연구전문.. 2021.01.29 2021.03.15
3835 과학기술정보통신부 [2021 Announcement of Nuclear Fusion Technology Development Program] 2021년도 원자력융복합기술개발사업 신.. 2021.01.29 2021.03.02
3834 과학기술정보통신부 [2021 Announcement of Nuclear Basic Research Support Program] 2021년도 원자력기초연구지원사업 신규과제 .. 2021.01.29 2021.03.02
3833 과학기술정보통신부 [2021 Announcement of New Project for Climate Change Technology Development] 2021년도 기후변화대응기술개발.. 2021.02.17 2021.03.10
3832 HFSP [New Call for HFSP Research Grants] 2020년 HFSP 연구 그랜트 신규공모 안내 2021.03.18 2021.03.30
3831 과학기술정보통신부 [New Call for Korean Graduate Student in Science & Engineering Training in Canada] 2021년 한국 이공계 대학.. 2021.02.10 2021.03.02
3830 [MFDS]식약처 2021 3rd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(Service) 2021년 제3차 식약처 용역연구개발과제 주관.. 2021.02.08 2021.02.15
3829 한국과학창의재단 Demand survey to discover 2021 policy research projects by the Korea Science and Creativity Foundation / 한국과학창.. 2021.02.09 2021.02.28
3828 식품의약품안전평가원 2021 Field demand survey for safety technology such as food and medicine / 2021년 식품·의약품 등의 안전기술.. 2021.02.08 2021.02.28
3827 과학기술정보통신부 Request for’Korea-Malta ICT and Digital Cooperation Status and Cooperation Agenda’ / 한-몰타 ICT·디지.. 2021.02.08 2021.03.02
3826 [MFDS]식약처 2021 2nd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(designated) 2021년 식약처 제2차 출연연구개발과제(.. 2021.02.03 2021.03.05
3825 에너지경제연구원 Korea Energy Economics Institute request for cooperation in research demand survey for the first half of 2021 / 에너.. 2021.02.03 2021.02.10
3824 [MFDS]식약처 2021 New Call for Regulatory Science Talent Training Project 2021년 식약처 「규제과학 인재양성사업」 주.. 2021.01.28 2021.03.02
3823 산업통상자원부 Request for cooperation in demand survey for non-R&D business (Ministry of Industry) in the 2022 bioconvergence ind.. 2021.02.02 2021.02.26
3822 과학기술정보통신부 Korea-Italian science and technology, ICT cooperation status and discovery of agenda / 한-이탈리아 과학기술, IC.. 2021.02.02 2021.02.17