정부 R&D 사업공고

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사업신청을 원하시는 교수님께서는 사업마감일 5일 전까지 연구지원팀 과제 담당자에게 사업계획서를 제출하여주시기 바랍니다.

정부 R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
36 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 High-tech medical equipment development support center project call / 첨단의료기기개발지원센터지원사.. 2014.06.30
35 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 「Handicapped person industry technology manpower training」Project call / 장애인 산업기술인력양성 사업.. 2014.06.23
34 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Regional special industry development project support plan announcement/ 지역특화산업육성사업 지원계.. 2014.06.20
33 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Mensuration technique enhancement program New support project announcement / 계량.측정기술고도화사업 신.. 2014.06.12
32 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 The region industry promotion project for growth-base-affiliation /성장거점연계 지역산업육성사업 신.. 2014.05.21
31 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Local Industry Development Plans(Video Included) 2014.04.29
30 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy MOTIE 「Engineering Specialized Graduate school 」Recruitment Announcement (Secondary) / 엔지니어링특성화대.. 2014.05.20
29 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 『 Material·Parts Technology Development Merit 』Reward plan Announcement / 소재·부품 기술개발 유공 .. 2014.06.10
28 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 「Offshore plant Planning professional manpower trainning」Program Call / 해양플랜트 설계전문인력양성 사.. 2014.05.12
27 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Idle Industry Technology Development Equipment Relocation Demand Survey Plan / 유휴 산업기술개발장비 이전 .. 2014.06.05