National R&D Project

National R&D Project
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
255 Ongoing 3rd Call for Multi-disciplinary Convergence Cluster Project in 2022/2022년도 다학제 융합클러스터사업 신규.. 엄효정 2022.09.14
254 Ongoing [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of New Project for 2022 Strategic Reinforcement of International Cooperation Network] 2022년도 국제협.. 권익만 2022.08.01
253 Ongoing New Call for Research Proposal for Convergence Pilot Study in 2022/2022년도 선행융합연구사업 연구제안서 .. 정성훈 2022.08.09
252 Ongoing Call for Multi-disciplinary Convergence Cluster Project in 2022/2022년도 다학제 융합클러스터사업 신규과.. 이석용 2022.07.27
251 Ongoing 행정안전부(MOIS) Selection of educational institutions for disaster management (earthquakes) specialist training projects/’재난.. 홍다솜 2022.06.30
250 Ongoing 행정안전부(MOIS) Selection of educational institutions for disaster management (corporate disaster management) specialist training projec.. 박용인 2022.07.05
249 Ongoing 국방부(NMD) Call for consignment research institutes for Future Challenge Defense Development(BCI-based Targeted Technology Competit.. 엄효정 2022.07.04
248 Ongoing [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement for New Basic Research Project for the Second half of 2022] 2022년도 과학기술정보통신부 기초.. 반한별 2022.06.27
247 Ongoing 교육부 [2022 Announcement of Fostering the Next Generation of Researchers projects in Science and Engineering by Ministry of Ed.. 허윤정 2022.06.03
246 Ongoing [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 [Application Guidelines for HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023] 2023년 HFSP 연구자 연수지원 신규 공모 안내 권익만 2022.05.19