R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
7 Ongoing 국방부 Announcement of ‘2021 Core Technology R&D Project Tasks’ | 2021년 핵심기술 연구개발사업 과.. 이창범 / 박태진 2021.08.11
6 Ongoing 국방부 ‘2021 Defense Core Technology’ Project Contest Guide | ‘2021년 국방핵심기술’ 과제공모.. 박태진 2021.05.31
5 Complete 국방부 Submission of a proposal for the selection of the executing agency for the technology transfer project for the civilian .. 사업관리 담당자 2019.04.18
4 Complete 국방부 Submission of a proposal for the selection of a research institute under the joint civilian military technology developm.. 사업관리담당자 2019.04.18
3 Complete 국방부 Announcement of technology demand for technology development project for civilian military in 2020 / 2020년도 민군.. 민군사업기획팀 2019.05.31
2 Complete 국방부 Announcement of Technology Demand Survey on Technology Transfer Project of Military in 2020 / 2020년도 민군기술이.. 공고 및 평가 담당 2019.05.23
1 Complete 국방부 [국방부 과제] 국방전력지원체계 기술개발 과제공모 황지현 2014.02.28