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탄소나노재료연구실은 탄소나노튜브, 그래핀과 같은 탄소나노소재의 우수한 물성을 활용하여 에너지, 환경 및 인간 건강의 현재 및 새로운 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이러한 목표를 달성하기 위해 우리는 나노 물질을 합성 및 특성화하고, 원하는 성능에 맞게 특성을 조정하고, 생물학적, 에너지 및 환경 연구에서 도구로서의 잠재력을 연구하고 있습니다. 현재는 1차원 나노채널의 분자 이동현상 이해, 단일 분자검출을 위한 나노포어, 나노물질을 사용한 독성 가스 검출, 생체 내 신호전달물질을 연구하고 있습니다.
Our laboratory aims to utilize excellent material properties of carbon nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotube and graphene, for addressing current and emerging issues in energy, environment, and human health. To achieve these goals, we synthesize and characterize nanomaterials, tune their properties for desired performance, and explore their potential as tools in biological, energy, and environment research. Current research topics include understanding molecular transport in 1-dimensional nanochannel, nanopores for single-molecule detection, detection of toxic gases using nanomaterials, and analysis of signaling molecules in biological systems.
Major research field
탄소나노소재, 나노채널, 단분자 탐지
Desired field of research
Research Keywords and Topics
• Carbon nanomaterials: carbon nanotubes, graphene
• Single-molecule detection and identification
• Sensors for detection of chemical warfare agents
• Nanotechnology for mass spectrometry
• Nanotechnology for neuroscience
Research Publications
MORE• NANO LETTERS / Hygroscopic Micro/Nanolenses along Carbon Nanotube Ion Channels / Kim, Yun-Tae; Min, Hyegi; Strano, Michael S; Han, Jae-Hee; Lee, Chang Young / 2020-02
• ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS / High-Yield Fabrication, Activation, and Characterization of Carbon Nanotube Ion Channels by Repeated Voltage-Ramping of Membrane-Capillary Assembly / Min, Hyegi; Kim, Yun-Tae; Moon, Seung Min; Han, Jae-Hee; Yum, Kyungsuk; Lee, Chang Young / 2019-07
• CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS / The Exterior of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as a Millimeter-Long Cation-Preferring Nanochannel / Kim, Yun-Tae; Joo, Se Hun; Min, Hyegi; Lee, Jiyun; Moon, Seung Min; Byeon, Mirang; Hong, Tae Eun; Strano, Michael S.; Han, Jae-Hee; Kwak, Sang Kyu; Lee, Chang Young / 2018-08
- EC. 화공
- EC02. 나노화학공정기술
- EC0205. 나노공정시스템 기술
- NT 분야
- 나노 바이오 보건
- 030311. 나노 바이오 물질 합성 및 분석기술