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유니스트 기후환경모델링 연구실에서는 열대 태풍 및 위험기상을 모의할 수 있는 고해상도 전 지구 모델, 이산화탄소 순환 모의를 위한 지구시스템 모델, 계절예보를 위한 앙상블 예측시스템, 에어로솔 자료동화 및 예측시스템, 화학재난 대응을 위한 대기확산 모델 등을 개발하고 있다.
We are the UNIST Climate Environment Modeling Laboratory(UCEM), one of dedicated labs at UNIST for climate and environmental studies since 2010. Our research area covers widely classical and recent topics in weather and climate, with a primary emphasis on climate sciences and modeling. We have been developing earth system models with a fully-interactive global carbon cycle, which is being prepared for a national use in responding to the next IPCC climate change scenario projections. We’re also develop- ing high-resolution global climate prediction models with improved water cycle, which are known to be better for simulating high-impact weather and climate anomalies. Our lab is also dedicated to understanding and improving the simulations of pronounced weather and climate variability and their changes. These include the various phenomena from the time scale of the daily cycle of warm-season precipitation, to the time scale of tropical waves and cyclones, the Madden-Julian oscillation, and to the interannual and decadal time scales of the El Nino and Southern Oscillation, and beyond. We have been supported and partnered by major research institutes and foundations, including the Korean Meteorological Administration(KMA), National Institute of Meteorological Research(NIMR), APEC Climate Center(APCC), Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems(KIAPS), and the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF). We are also collaborating actively with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for joint research project and scholar exchanges.
Major research field
전지구 기후예측모델, 계절 예측, 폭염 예측, 대기질 모델링, 자료동화
Desired field of research
전지구 기후예측모델링, 폭염 메커니즘 분석 및 예측기술 개발, 극지 대기 연구 / Global climate prediction modeling, heatwave mechanism analysis and prediction technology development, polar atmosphere research
Research Keywords and Topics
전지구 기후예측모델, 계절 예측, 폭염 메커니즘 분석 및 예측기술 개발, 대기질 모델링, 에어로졸 자료동화, 토양수분 자료동화, 극지 대기 순환
Global Climate Model, Seasonal Prediction, Heatwave Mechanisms and Prediction, Air Quality Modeling, Data Assimilation, Polar region atmospheric circulation
Research Publications
MORE1. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT / Assimilation of SMAP and ASCAT soil moisture retrievals into the JULES land surface model using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter / Seo, Eunkyo; Lee, Myong-In; Reichle, Rolf H. / 2021-02
2. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE / Decadal Changes in the Interannual Variability of Heatwaves in East Asia Caused by Atmospheric Teleconnection Changes / Choi, Nakbin; Lee, Myong-In; Cha, Dong-Hyun; Lim, Young-Kwon; Kim, Kyu-Myong / 2020-02
3. CRYOSPHERE / Decadal changes in the leading patterns of sea level pressure in the Arctic and their impacts on the sea ice variability in boreal summer / Choi Nakbin, Kim Kyu-Myong, Lim Young-Kwon, Lee Myong-In / 2019-11
· [국내] 지면모델의 적설 자료동화 방법 / 이명인, 이준리, 탁선래 / 2022-12
· [국내] 다중 위성 토양수분 자료를 이용한 지면 자료 동화 시스템 / 이명인, 탁선래, 서은교 / 2021-12
· [국내] 폭염 중기예보 시스템 및 그 방법 / 이명인, 탁선래, 최낙빈 / 2019-11
· [국내] 북서태평양 태풍 활동성에 대한 하이브리드 계절 예측 방법 / 이승희, 이명인 / 2016-08
- ND. 지구과학(지구/대기/해양/천문)
- ND04. 대기과학
- ND0405. 대기 모델링/예보기술
- 환경/에너지 프론티어 진흥
- 030900. 기상 조절기술
- 예측기술
- 기후변화 예측 및 영향평가
- 111. 기후변화 예측 및 모델링 개발기술
- IT 분야
- 정보처리 시스템 및 S/W
- 010316. 기타 정보처리시스템 및 S/W 기술