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본 연구실은 에너지와 바이오 분야에 응용될 수 있는 첨단 나노재료를 개발하는 연구를 진행하고 있다. 그 중에서도 특히 고효율의 QD-LED 와 태양전지에 사용될 양자점 합성에 대한 연구와 미세 유체 반응기를 이용한 고수율의 균일한 나노물질의 대량 합성에 대한 연구를 중점적으로 하고 있다. 또한, 생물학적 응용을 위한 분자 영상, 감지, 타겟팅에 사용될 나노물질의 표면 처리를 통한 나노메디신 개발에 관한 연구를 진행하고 있다.
Our research focuses on the nanotechnology based on materials chemistry, developing of advanced nanomaterials for energy and biological application. Of particular interest are areas regarding the designed synthesis of quantum dots for highly efficient QD-LED & solar cell and the development of system to achieve high yield & narrow size distribution of various nanomaterials using micro-fluidics system. We are also interested in the surface engineering of nanomaterials for molecular imaging, sensing, and targeting for biological applications.
Major research field
Quantum Dots, Inorganic Synthesis, Nanomaterials, Surface Engineering, Bioimaging & Biosensor
Desired field of research
Quantum Dots, Inorganic Synthesis, Nanomaterials, Surface Engineering, Bioimaging & Biosensor
Research Keywords and Topics
· 양자점, 무기합성, 나노재료, 표면공학, 바이오 이미징 & 바이오센서
Quantum Dots, Inorganic Synthesis, Nanomaterials, Surface Engineering, Bioimaging & Biosensor
· 에너지와 바이오 응용을 위한 표면이 개질된 나노재료의 디자인 및 합성
Designed synthesis of nanomaterials for energy and biological application via surface engineering
· 발광소자 및 나노의약품향 신규 양자점 개발
Development of new quantum dots for LED and nanomedicine
· MRI, 광학 이미징, 바이오 센서, 분자감지, 표적형 약물 전달 시스템 등의 나노메디신 개발
Bioapplication of nanomaterials including biosensor, MR/optical imaging, molecular sensing, targeting, and drug delivery system
Research Publications
MORE· Eunbyul Bang, Yonghoon Choi, Jinhee Cho, Yo-Han Suh, Hyeong Woo Ban, Jae Sung Son, and Jongnam Park*, "Large-Scale Synthesis of Highly Luminescent InP@ZnS Quantum Dots Using Elemental Phosphorus Precursor" Chem. Mater., 29, 4236 (2017)
· Chungho Kim, Jin Wook Kim, Hyunhong Kim, Dong Hyeon Kim, Changhoon Choi, Yoon Seok Jung, Jongnam Park*, “Graphene Oxide Assisted Synthesis of Self-assembled Zinc Oxide for Lithium-Ion Battery Anode” Chem. Mater., 28,8498 (2016)
· Gi-Hwan Kim, Bright Walker, Hak-Beom Kim, Jin Young Kim, Edward H. Sargent*, Jongnam Park* and Jin Young Kim*, "Inverted Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells“ Adv. Mater., 26, 3321 (2014)
· Jongnam Park, Kwangjin An, Yosun Hwang, Je-Geun Park, Han-Jin Noh, Jae–Young Kim, Jae-Hoon Park, Nong- Moon Hwang, and Taeghwan Hyeon*, “Ultra-Large Scale Syntheses of Monodisperse Nanocrystals” Nature materials, 3, 891 (2004)
· Process for large-scale production of monodisperse nanoparticles, Jongnam Park and Taeghwan Hyeon, US 7,811,545 B2 (2010)
· Method of synthesizing nanorods by reaction of metal-surfactant complexes injected using a syringe pump, Jongnam Park and Taeghwan Hyeon, US 0214190 (2005)
- EC. 화공
- EC02. 나노화학공정기술
- EC0201. 나노소재 합성기술
- 건강한 생명사회 지향
- 021300. 바이오 칩/센서기술
- 에너지원기술
- 재생에너지(태양에너지)
- 214. 비실리콘계 태양전지 기타 기술
- NT 분야
- 나노소재
- 030211. 나노소재기술 (나노분말소재, 광학용 나노소재, 고기능 시너지 소재, 촉매/환경/기능소재에 중점)