R&D 사업공고


[NRF] 2021 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis(IIASA) summer training for doctoral students(YSSP) 2021년 국제응용시스템분석연구원(IIASA) 박사과정생 하계연수(YSSP) 안내

Nov 04. 2020

The National Research Foundation in Korea has been active as a member country since 2008 with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), an international organization. IIASA is recruiting participants for the Doctoral Program Summer Training Program (YSSP) as follows.

1. Program overview

○ Program Name: Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP)

○ Supported areas: water, population, energy, air environment, new technology development, ecology, system analysis, crisis management

○ Training period: 2021.6.1.~8.31 (3 months) / IIASA (located in Laxenburg, Austria)

○ Selection/Support Scale: Less than 2 people/around 8 million won per task (living expenses 3,930 euros and round trip tickets)

○ Others: When the spread of COVID-19 intensifies, review online (virtual) training

2. Application and selection

○ Application deadline: Until January 14, 2021 (Thu)

○ How to apply: Online application (application on the IIASA website*)

* URL: https://iiasa.secure-platform.com/a/organizations/main/home

○ Notification of selection: Individual notification to researchers after evaluation by IIASA (2021.3.12)

※ Refer to [Attachment] for details

1. 프로그램 개요

○ 프로그램명 : 박사과정생 하계연수 프로그램(YSSP, Young Scientists Summer Program)

○ 지원분야 : 물, 인구, 에너지, 대기환경, 신기술 개발, 생태, 시스템 분석, 위기관리

○ 연수기간 : 2021.6.1.~8.31(3개월) / IIASA(오스트리아 락센부르크 소재)

○ 선정/지원규모 : 2명 이내/과제당 8백만원 내외(생활비 3,930유로 및 왕복 항공권)

○ 기타사항 : COVID-19 확산세 심화 시, 온라인(virtual) 연수 추진 검토

2. 신청 및 선정

○ 신청기한 : 2021.1.14.(목)까지

○ 신청방법 : 온라인 신청(IIASA 홈페이지 접수*)

* URL : https://iiasa.secure-platform.com/a/organizations/main/home

○ 선정통보 : IIASA에서 평가 후 연구자에게 개별 통보(2021.3.12)

※ 세부 내용은 [붙임] 참조