Non-UNIST Research Project


Young Researcher Program

Apr 29. 2016
person in charge Jeong-Hwa Yuk Related research area
Contacts 1452 E-mail
Goverment department MSIP Announcing institute

[Basic Research]

Young Researcher Program

This program aims to nurture excellent researchers by encouraging the motivation for creative research and maximizing research capacity among researchers.
– To achieve world-class performance in S&T and heighten national competitiveness by improving the quality of basic research based on intensive support for research based upon creative and pioneering ideas.
  • Funded Fields / Science and engineering
  • Funded Period / 3 years
  • Eligibility / ? Researchers in universities (including part-time researchers), researchers in public and private institutes
  • Budget / ? KRW 50 million per project
  • Program Description /
    – Young Researchers program: To motivate and train young researchers to become the next generation of leading researchers by enlarging research opportunities
    – Women Scientists: To nurture female scientists and strengthen their research capability
    –  Young Mentoring(former career Scientists): To pursue joint research with young researchers based on research capability of experienced career scientists