Non-UNIST Research Project


Eco-Innovation R&D Project & other environmental research projects

May 02. 2016
person in charge Gyujin Shim Related research area environmental issues
Contacts 052-217-1450 E-mail
Goverment department Ministry of Environment Announcing institute Ministry of Environment

1. Eco-Innovation R&D Project   – resolves conventional environmental problems and conserve the environment, and supports the development of cutting-edge environmental technologies.

(Area)• Global Top Environmental Technology Development• Advanced Industrial Technology Development• Public Welfare Technology Development• Environmental Service Technology Development

2. Geo-Advanced Innovative Action Project– facilitates technology development to prevent and clean-up soil and groundwater contamination.

(Area)• Remediation Technology for Soil and Groundwater

3. Convergence Technology Project– supports developing new environmental technology linked with IT, BT and NT to enable people to live safer and healthier lives.

(Area)• Future-Oriented Convergence Technology

4. Commercialization Project for Promising Technologies– cope with current environmental issues, strives to obtain applicable echnologies, advance basic local environmental facilities and commercialize quality Technologies.

(Area)• Commercialization of Environmental Technologies

5. Climate Change Response Technology Project– cope with global climate change and overcome environmental disasters, KEITI supports climate change response (mitigation and adaptation) technology development projects.

(Area)• Development of Climate Change Response Technology

6. Waste-to-Energy Technology Development Project– supports development of technologies that help address marine pollution and and fill site problems, while converting waste to ecofriendly energy sources..

(Area) Waste-to-Energy Technology Development