
번호 제목 등록일 조회 첨부
1419 한국전력 경영정책 기초연구과제 연구제안서 공모 알림(Notification of the public offering of resear.. 2022.11.11 429
1418 「식의약 RD 이슈보고서(고령친화식품)」 발간 알림(Announcement of publication of 「Food and Drug RD .. 2022.11.01 348
1417 「식의약 RD 이슈보고서(유럽 의료기기법)」 발간 알림(Announcement of publication of 「Food and Drug.. 2022.10.04 364
1416 「2022 국립환경과학원 연보」 제작·배포 알림(Announcement of production and distribution of 「2022 Nat.. 2022.09.06 396
1415 울산시 보건환경연구원의 2023년도 조사연구사업 과제 제안 안내: A Guide to the Proposal of 2023 R.. 2022.08.09 550
1414 Announcement of the invitation of the Korea Research Foundation’s PM (Director of New Pharmaceuticals)/ 한국연.. 2022.05.03 1,226
1413 Announcement of publication of 「Food and Drug RD Webzine Volume 15」 / 「식의약 RD 웹진 통권 15호」 발간 .. 2022.03.23 440
1412 Announcement of publication of Food and Drug RD Issue Report (U.S. 21st Century Treatment 2.0) / 「식의약 RD 이슈.. 2022.02.21 440
1411 [2050 Hydrogen Economy Development for Carbon Neutrality] Kosen Global Symposium Information / [2050 탄소 중립을 .. 2022.02.16 449
1410 Inquiry of opinions of related ministries for the 2022 ‘Space Development Promotion Implementation Plan (draft).. 2022.02.04 424
1409 Announcement of the Ulsan Academic Research Project Competition for 2022 | 2022년 울산학연구과제 공모 안내 2022.01.12 3,388
1408 Announcement of publication of 「Food and Drug RD Issue Report [Horizon Europe (`21-`27)]] / 「식의약 RD 이슈보.. 2022.01.05 282
1407 Information on the 2022 KARI consignment research project competition plan | 2022년 한국항공우주연구원 위탁.. 2022.01.03 3,162
1406 NST 2020 Convergence Research Group Project New Project Competition | 국가과학기술연구회 2022년도 융합연.. 2022.01.03 3,162
1405 Request for submission of implementation plan for space development promotion in 2022 / 2022년도 우주개발 진흥 .. 2021.12.15 322
1404 Announcement of publication of 「Food and Drug RD Webzine Volume 14」 / 「식의약 RD 웹진 통권 14호」 발간 .. 2021.12.03 361
1403 Conducted in 2022 KHNP K-CLOUD New Research Project Competition | 2022년도 시행 한국수력원자력(주) K-CLOUD .. 2021.11.17 2,946
1402 Technology Finance Research Journal Paper Submission Guide / 기술금융연구誌 논문투고 안내 2021.11.05 321
1401 Information on inviting PM (Public Technology Director, Space Technology Director) of the Korea Research Foundation/ 한.. 2021.11.03 368
1400 KEPCO’s 2022 support outside the company recruitment announcement for new basic research projects (3rd) | 한국.. 2021.11.02 1,604
1399 Busan Facilities Corporation “R&D Field Demonstration Platform” Operation Guide / 부산시설공단 &#.. 2021.10.25 364
1398 KOICA Open for Research Project on Response to Global Crisis through Research Partnership with Developing Countries | KO.. 2021.10.15 1,249
1397 Bank of Korea Ulsan Branch External Research Project Recruitment | 한국은행 울산본부 외부연구용역 공모 2021.10.13 1,487
1396 [NST] Announcement of re-opening for Multidisciplinary Convergence Cluster Project in 2021 | [국가과학기술연구.. 2021.10.12 1,639
1395 Request for nominations for participants at the 71st Lindau Nobel Prize Laureates Conference / 제71회 린다우 노벨.. 2021.10.07 212
1394 [NST] Announcement of new tasks for the 2021 creative convergence research project (urgent issues) | 2021년도 창의.. 2021.09.23 1,554
1393 Information on the implementation of the contest for problem-solving technology proposals for researchers in the 2022 .. 2021.09.14 2,082
1392 [NST] 2023 Convergence Research Center Project Research Topic Demand Survey Guide | 2023년도 융합연구단 사업 .. 2021.09.14 530
1391 Announcement of publication of 「Food and Drug RD Issue Report (Covid-19 Diagnostic Device Market and Development Trend.. 2021.09.06 360
1390 울산 게놈서비스산업 규제자유특구 실증특례 이용자 고지 2021.08.30 350