1275 |
2017, 2018 Development of survey in Convergence and cooperatice Research Project(KDI) ( 2017,2018년 융복합 및 협.. |
2017.12.14 |
1,539 |
1274 |
(Presentation)Fundamental Technology Project in 2018(2018년 원천기술개발사업(바이오분야) 권역별 설명.. |
2017.12.07 |
1,570 |
1273 |
(2018KCG)2018 Planning Study on R&D of Korea Coast Guard(해양경찰청 국가연구개발사업 연구과제 제.. |
2017.11.15 |
1,709 |
1272 |
(info.)NRF 2018 Basic Research program(only MSIT) presentation |
2017.11.10 |
1,573 |
1271 |
[survey of new project]2018 Planning Study on the R&D Strategy to cope with the climate change(2018년 기후변화.. |
2017.11.07 |
1,547 |
1270 |
2017 Contest for Best Achievement of excellence in research notes/ 2017년 연구노트 우수 성과 공모전 개최 .. |
2017.10.30 |
1,556 |
1269 |
[announcement]2018 STEPI Fellowship |
2017.10.27 |
1,556 |
1268 |
[Notice] Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning’s Plan to designate and support an Institution to manage res.. |
2017.06.12 |
1,944 |
1267 |
National R&D Education for PI/대학 연구책임자 대상 국가 R&D 기본 교육 |
2017.06.07 |
1,810 |
1266 |
[종료](2018 Survey of Technology demands)Bid & Medical Technology Deveopment/Brain Research Program바이오·의.. |
2017.04.03 |
2,072 |