Service Intelligence Lab

서비스지능 연구실

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서비스지능 연구실

We develop data science methods and solve service problems in industry/society.

Major research field

We focus on data science research for real-world service impacts.

Desired field of research

We focus on data science research for real-world service impacts.

Research Keywords and Topics

Knowledge Discovery, Data Science, Service Intelligence

Research Publications

· Cho, H., Kim, K., Yoon, K., Chun, J., Kim, J., Lee, K., Lee, J. and Lim, C., "MMP Net: A Feed Forward Neural Network Model with Sequential Inputs to Represent Continuous Multistage Manufacturing Processes without Intermediate Outputs," IISE Transactions, 2023.
· Kim, Y., Lim, C., Lee, J., Kim, S., Kim, S. and Seo, D., "Chemistry-informed Machine Learning: Using Chemical Property Features to Improve the Performance of Gas Classification," Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Vol. 237, 104808, 2023.
· Seo, H., Shin, J., Kim, K., Lim, C. and Bae, J., “Driving Risk Assessment using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Driving Behavior Records,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 23, No. 11, 20398-20412, 2022.