Emotion Lab


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이모션랩은 '사람들의 정서적 행복을 지원하고 기여하는 제품 및 서비스 창출'을 모토로 디자인 연구와 프로토타이핑이 융합된 곳을 의미합니다. 우리의 목표는 아카데믹한 산업디자이너 양성을 목표로 통합제품 개발 분야의 지식, 기술, 방법 및 프로패셔널리즘에 기여하는 것입니다. 이는 인간에 대한 깊은 이해와 첨단기술에 기반한 사용자의 숨겨진 욕구와 욕구를 파악함으로써 달성할 수 있습니다. 이모션랩은 사용자, 산업, 사회, 환경의 균형 잡힌 이익에 기초하여, 내구성이 있는 제품과 사람을 위한 관련 제품 및 서비스의 개발을 혁신하고 개선하고, 통합 제품/서비스 개발 연구를 통해 지속 가능한 사회와 경제에 기여하고자 합니다.
Emotion lab stands for where design research and prototyping are integrated, with the motto, “creating products and services that supports and contributes to an emotion well-being for people”. Our objective is to contribute to the knowledge, skills, methods, and professional attitudes in the field of integrated product development with a goal to cultivate generalist industrial designers. This can be achieved by grasping the hidden needs and desires of the users based on the understanding of humans and cutting-edge technology. We innovate and improve the development of durable products and their related services for people, on the basis of the balanced interests of users, industry, society, and the environment. In this way, it will contribute to a sustainable society and economy through research in integrated product development.

Major research field

User Experience, Emotional Design, Design for Emotional Well-being, Human-Product Interaction

Desired field of research

Emotion regulation, Healthcare, Value-driven design

Research Keywords and Topics

Research interests:
- User Experience
- Emotional Design
- Human-Product Interactions
- Positive Emotion Regulation
- Design for Emotional Well-being

Research domains:
- Healthcare product and service
- Mobile/Consumer electronics and services
- Industry products and services

Research Publications

· Yoon, J. & Kim, C.* (2022). Positive Emodiversity in Everyday Human-Technology Interactions and Users’ Subjective Well-Being. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
· Kim, S., Kim, C.**, & Christiaans, H. (2021). Understanding Everyday Design Behavior: An Exploratory Experiment. International Journal of Design, 15(1), 33-55
· Yoon, J., Kim, C.*, & Kang, R. (2020). Positive user experience over product usage life cycle and the influence of demographic factors. International Journal of Design, 14(2), 85-102
· Bae, J., Self, J. & Kim, C.** (2019). Rich Unboxing Experiences: Complexity in Product Packaging and its Influence upon Product Expectations. Journal of Design Research, 17(1), 26-46
· Kim, C.*** & Christiaans, H. (2016). The Role of Design Properties and Demographic Factors in Soft Usability Problems. Design Studies, 45, 268-290


· Laser measure and level device, PCT/KR2017/003940 (2017, Int‘l patent)
· Smart seasonal clothes care device, 15/354,310 (2016, Int‘l patent)
· Household Automatic sterilizer, 10-1743592 (2017)


  • HE. 문화/예술/체육
  • HE04. 제품디자인
  • HE0401. 가정용제품디자인


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  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
  • 999. 녹색기술 관련과제 아님


  • CT 분야
  • 문화컨텐츠
  • 060115. 기타 문화컨텐츠기술