UNIST Biomathematics Lab

UNIST 생물수학 랩

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UNIST 생물수학 랩의 연구 주제는 생물학 시스템과 전염병 확산에 대한 수리 모델링과 계산이고, 최근 연구는 코로나 19 확산 수리 모델링, 기후 변화에 따른 전염병 확산 현상의 모델링 및 계산과 생물학 시스템에 대한 확률 모델에 집중하고 있습니다.
The research interests in UNIST Biomath lab include mathematical modeling and simulation of biological and epidemic systems. Our recent researches have focused on COVID-19 modeling, mathematical modeling and computation of epidemic spread affected by climate change, and the stochastic analysis of biological systems.

Major research field

생물수학, 전염병 확산 수리 모델링 및 계산, 확률 분석 및 계산

Desired field of research

Research Keywords and Topics

Stochastic Analysis and Simulation
Epidemic Modeling and Computation
Mathematical Biology

Research Publications

JE Kim, Y Choi, CH Lee, "Effects of climate change on Plasmodium vivax malaria transmission dynamics: A mathematical modeling approach", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 347, pp. 616-630, 2019

H Lee, JE Kim, S Lee, CH Lee, "Potential effects of climate change on dengue transmission dynamics in Korea", PLOS One, vol. 13 no.6, e0199205, 2018

H Lee, S Lee, CH Lee, "Stochastic methods for epidemic models: An application to the 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreak in Korea", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol.286, pp.232-249, 2016.08.