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PostHumanism 연구실은 Actor Network Theory, Risk Society 및 Systems Theory와 같은 다양한 이론적 관점을 바탕으로 인간과 비인간 관계에 대한 사회 과학적 조사를 수행합니다. 인간이 인간이 아닌 동물과의 관계를 정의하는 방법을 연구하여 인간이 자연 및 생태 시스템에 대한 관계를 어떻게 구성하는지 보여줍니다. 연구에는 'wicked problem'로서의 인간-야생 동물 갈등, 환경 거버넌스 및 야생 동물 거래, 동물의 포로 및 해방, 대중의 광경으로서의 자연 상품화에 대한 조사가 포함됩니다.
The PostHumanism lab carries out social scientific investigations of the relationships between humans and non-humans, drawing upon various theoretical perspectives such as Actor Network Theory, Risk Society, and Systems Theory. The ways that humans define their relationships to nonhuman animals are studied in order to reveal how humans structure their relationships toward nature and ecological systems. Research includes investigations of human-wildlife conflict as a 'wicked problem,' environmental governance and the wildlife trade, captivity and liberation of animals, and the commodification of nature as a public spectacle.
Major research field
Cultural anthropology
Desired field of research
Environmental politics; Risk analysis
Research Publications
MORE한국문화인류학 / Anthropomorphism as Social Action: The Politics of Animals on Display / Tatar, Bradley / 2021-12
RESEARCH IN SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, CONFLICT AND CHANGE / Whaling in Korea: Heritage, Framing, and Contention against International Norms / Tatar, Bradley / 2021-03
JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES / The Bangudae Petroglyph: Whaling and Remodernisation in a South Korean Industrial City / Tatar, Bradley / 2020-05
COASTAL MANAGEMENT / Dolphin Liberation in Korea: Is it Beneficial for Conservation? / Kim, Sejoon; Tatar, Bradley / 2018-04
MARINE POLICY / Getting to know the consumer: Toward mitigation of illegal whale meat consumption in South Korea / Tatar, Bradley; Jung, Changkuk / 2018-02
한국문화인류학 / Place-making, Landscape and Materialities: Whales and Social Practices in Ulsan, Korea / Tatar, Bradley / 2017-07
JOURNAL OF MARINE AND ISLAND CULTURES / The safety of bycatch: South Korean responses to the moratorium on commercial whaling / Tatar, Bradley / 2014-12
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