2025 여대학원생 공학연구팀제 지원사업 연구팀 모집 | Recruiting Research Team for 2025 Graduate Women’s Engineering Research Team Support Project
담당자[ person in charge ] | 서혜진 | 관련분야[ Related research area ] | |
연락처[ Contacts ] | 02-6411-1046/052-217-1452 | 이메일[ E-mail ] | jslee@wiset.or.kr/shjin0305@unist.ac.kr |
부처명[ Goverment department ] | 한국여성과학기술인육성재단(WISET) | 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] | 한국여성과학기술인육성재단(WISET) |
공고일[ Announcement date ] | 2025.02.05 | 접수마감일[ Deadline ] | 2025.03.06 |
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] |
한국여성과학기술인육성재단(WISET)은 여성과학기술인의 육성과 지원을 위한 정책사업을 수행하는 과학기술정보통신부 소관 공공기관입니다. 이 재단에서는 우수 여성과학기술인으로의 성장 지원의 일환으로 여자 대학원생 및 학부생을 대상으로 「여대학원생 공학연구팀제 지원사업」을 운영하고 있습니다. 위와 관련 「여대학원생 공학연구팀제 지원사업」참여 연구팀을 모집하오니, 학생들이 참여할 수 있도록 협조 바랍니다.
가. 2025년 「여대학원생 공학연구팀제 지원사업」 개요
○ (사업목적) 여대학원생 및 이공계 대학생을 대상으로 자기주도적 연구개발 수행을 지원하여 연구역량·리더십 강화, 우수 여학생의 전공분야 진출 활성화 지원
○ (지원대상) 공학 연구 프로젝트를 수행하고자 하는 연구팀 / 150개 팀
– 팀 구성 :(심화과정) 100팀(여자 대학원생 1인–대학생 3인)
* 남학생 팀원으로 참여 가능(최대 2명)
(일반과정) 50팀(여자 대학원생 1인–대학생 2인, 여중고생 2인)
* 중/고등학생 연구팀원은 WISET이 별도 모집하여 팀별 배정(3월 예정)
○ (지원내용) 공학 연구 수행을 위한 연구비 지원(과정별 700~800만원 이내)
○ (모집기간) 2025.2.5.(수)~ 2025.3.6.(목) 24시까지
* 사업 신청페이지 및 공고문 바로가기(과정별 클릭): https://bit.ly/wiset2025teams
나. 문의처
○ 한국여성과학기술인육성재단(WISET) 사업운영실 인재육성팀
– jslee@wiset.or.kr, 02-6411-1046
The Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology (WISET) is a public institution under the Ministry of Science and ICT that carries out policy projects to foster and support women in science and technology. As part of its efforts to support the growth of outstanding women in science and technology, WISET operates the Graduate Women’s Engineering Research Team Support Project, targeting female graduate and undergraduate students. In this regard, we are recruiting research teams for the Graduate Women’s Engineering Research Team Support Project. We kindly ask for your cooperation in encouraging students at your university to participate.
A. 2025 Graduate Women’s Engineering Research Team Support Project Overview
- (Objective)
The project aims to support self-directed research and development activities for female graduate and undergraduate students in STEM fields, enhancing their research capabilities, leadership skills, and encouraging outstanding female students to advance in their fields. - (Eligibility)
Research teams conducting engineering research projects / 150 teams in total- Team Composition
- Advanced Track: 100 teams (1 female graduate student + 3 undergraduate students)
*Male students may participate (up to 2 per team) - General Track: 50 teams (1 female graduate student + 2 undergraduate students + 2 female middle/high school students)
*Middle/high school student researchers will be separately recruited and assigned to teams by WISET (scheduled for March).
- Advanced Track: 100 teams (1 female graduate student + 3 undergraduate students)
- Team Composition
- (Support Provided)
Research funding for engineering research projects (up to KRW 7–8 million per team, depending on the track). - (Application Period)
February 5, 2025 (Wed) – March 6, 2025 (Thu) by 24:00 (KST)
Application page & announcement (Click per track): https://bit.ly/wiset2025teams
B. Contact Information: WISET Talent Development Team, Project Operations Office
– Email: jslee@wiset.or.kr
– Phone: +82-2-6411-1046