

‘2021 Defense Core Technology’ Project Contest Guide | ‘2021년 국방핵심기술’ 과제공모 안내

Apr 12. 2021

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and the Defense Industry Technology Promotion Institute are discovering new tasks to develop ‘Defense Core Technologies’. For this purpose, They are offering opportunities for public offerings to defense-related organizations, industries, small and medium-sized venture companies, academia, and research institutes, so please participate.

1. Field of Competition
ㅇ Basic research: Individual basics, specialized laboratory, specialized research center
ㅇ Core technology: applied research/test development, international joint research and development

2. Competition period: Until May 31, 2021 (Mon)

3. Competition presentation (not held)
ㅇ Offline briefing session for core technology competition was not held to prevent the spread of Corona 19
ㅇ Conducting counseling by phone (guidance on core technology projects and competition methods, procedures, etc.)
-Basic research: 055-751-5475/5465
-Core technology: 055-751-5476/5469/5461

방위사업청과 방위산업기술진흥연구소는「국방핵심기술」개발 신규 과제를 발굴하기 위해 국방 관련기관, 산업체, 중소벤처업체, 학계, 연구기관 등을 대상으로 다음과 같이 핵심기술개발 과제를 공모하오니 협조하여 주시기 바랍니다.

가. 공모분야
ㅇ 기초연구 : 개별기초, 특화연구실, 특화연구센터
ㅇ 핵심기술 : 응용연구/시험개발, 국제공동연구개발

나. 공모기간 : ’21. 5.31.(월) 까지

다. 공모설명회(미개최)
ㅇ 코로나19 확산 방지를 위해 핵심기술공모 오프라인 설명회 미개최
ㅇ 유선 상담 실시(핵심기술사업 안내 및 공모방법, 절차 등)
– 기초연구 : 055-751-5475/5465
– 핵심기술 : 055-751-5476/5469/5461