정부 R&D 사업공고


[2020 Korea-India Joint Program of Cooperation in S&T] 2020년도 한-인도 협력기반조성사업(공동연구) 신규과제 공모

Apr 07. 2020
담당자[ person in charge ] 김민주 관련분야[ Related research area ]
연락처[ Contacts ] 052-217-1454 이메일[ E-mail ] kimminjoo@unist.ac.kr
부처명[ Goverment department ] [MSIT] 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] [NRF] 한국연구재단
공고일[ Announcement date ] 2020.03.20 접수마감일[ Deadline ] 2020.05.08
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] 2020.05.07

1. Research Areas

  • Green Mobility,
  • Engineering Sciences,
  • Materials Science & Technology
  • Renewable Energy

2. Eligibility

The Program is open to researchers, scientists, institutions located in India or the Republic of Korea that are engaged in advanced research in one or more of the subject areas listed above. DST and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF, an affiliated organization of MSIT) will conduct parallel review of the applications respectively based on the agreed criteria.

Project proposal must include the name of one Principal Investigator (PI) and a Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) each in India and the Republic of Korea.

3. Proposal Submission

: Korean and Indian applicants shall write a common application to be submitted to both DST and NRF. The common application must be written in English.

For Korean applicants, a separate application form written in Korean is also required.

4. Application Period

: 2020.03.20 ~ 2020.05.08, 18:00pm

5. Contact Information

: Ms. Jihye Shin (E-mail :sophie1207@nrf.re.kr)



1.  사업목적

□ 인도와의 공동연구 수행을 통하여 양국 간 과학기술 협력기반 강화 및 연구자간 네트워크 구축을 통한 정보 교류·협력연구 활성화
2. 사업내용
□ 지원기간 : 3년
□ 지원규모 : 과제당 연간 40백만원 이내
※ 간접비는 직접비의 15%이내에서 계상
※ 인도 측 상대 연구자는 인도 정부에서 이에 상응하는 금액 지원
□ 지원형태 : 공동연구
□ 선정규모 : 12과제 내외 (연구개시 : 2020.10.1. 예정)
□ 지원조건 : 한국, 인도측은 각각 연구책임자(PI) 1인과 공동연구원(Co-PI) 1인으로 연구진을 구성하여 신청하여야 함
□ 지원분야 :

①Green Mobility, ②Engineering Sciences, ③Materials Science & Technology, ④Renewable Energy

자세한 사항은 공고문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.

※ 문의처
□ 과학기술정보통신부 국제협력관 미주아시아협력담당관
ㅇ 강현웅 사무관 ☎ 044)202-4344 / E-mail : kanghw73@korea.kr
ㅇ 이혜인 주무관 ☎ 044)202-4345 / E-mail : hyin177@korea.kr
□ 한국연구재단 국제협력본부 아시아아프리카협력팀
ㅇ 신지혜 선임연구원 ☎ 02)3460-5767 / E-mail : sophie1207@nrf.re.kr
ㅇ 길은영 연구원 ☎ 02) 3460-5628  E-mail : kiley8718@nrf.re.kr (ERND 문의)
[접수시스템 문의]
한국연구재단 ERND 온라인 접수관련 문의 : ☎ 042-869-7744
□ 인도 과학기술청 담당자 정보
Rajiv Kumar (Scientist)
International Cooperation, Department of Science & Technology
E-mail: rajivarc@nic.in