정부 R&D 사업공고


[2018 2nd Announcement of Korea Research Fellowship (KRF) for Postdoctoral Researchers] 2018년 해외우수신진연구자유치사업(KRF) 제2차 공고

May 23. 2018
담당자[ person in charge ] 이원영, 김민주 관련분야[ Related research area ]
연락처[ Contacts ] 052-217-1443, 052-217-1454 이메일[ E-mail ] owen@unist.ac.kr, kimminjoo@unist.ac.kr
부처명[ Goverment department ] [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] [NRF]한국연구재단
공고일[ Announcement date ] 2018.05.18 접수마감일[ Deadline ] 2018.06.21
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] 2018.06.21

If you are a foreigner, please contact Minjoo Kim (052-217-1454, kimminjoo@unist.ac.kr)

1. Eligibility of KRF candidates: Overseas post-doc researchers or *Korean national post-doc researchers currently residing overseas who have obtained their doctoral degree within the past five years starting from February 28, 2018

*Korean Nationals – limited to those who belong to a foreign affiliate and have earned their doctoral degrees abroad.

2. Fields of Research: All fields in science and technology

* Preference fields: high correlation fields related to “2018 national R & D Investment Plans and Standards (March, ’17)” such as IoT Platform, New Biologics, Advanced Materials, Disaster Safety, etc.

3. Duration of Fellowship: Up to five years

(Less than a 3 year research period will be not be acceptable)

4. Level of Funding:

-Type 1 (Inviting researchers residing overseas): Up to KRW 70 million per annum (personnel costs, living expenses, etc. for KRF fellow)

– Type 2 (Long-Term Residency in Korea): Around KRW 40 million per annum (personnel costs for KRF fellow)

5. Qualifications:  

  • Host institution: Government supported research institutes, national and public research institutes, universities and university-affiliated research institutes, corporate research institutes*. 
  • Overseas post-doc researchers(KRF Candidates)
  • * Corporate research institutes are those established as SMEs and venture businesses under Article 14 (1) of the Basic Research Promotion and Technology Development Support Act and Article 16 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.

(Type 1) Foreign national or *Korean national post-doc researchers currently residing overseas that have received their doctoral degree within the past five years (as of February 28, 2018)

*Korean nationals – limited to those who are residing overseas and have earned their doctoral degrees abroad.

(Type 2) Foreign national post-doc researchers currently residing in Korea that have received their doctoral degree within the past five years (as of February 28, 2018)

* Please note that KRF candidates need to have obtained their physical doctoral degree certificate or diploma as of the date of February 28, 2018. As a rule, provisional certificates are not accepted. Proof of work as a postdoctoral fellow without submitting the copy of actual degree certificate is not accepted.

6. How to apply:

1) Application submission period:

May 18th(Fri.) to June 21st(Thur.), 2018 (6 p.m.)

* Approval from their host institutions on ERND: by June 22nd(Fri.), 2018 (6 p.m.)

(Date/Time is based on Korea Local Time (UTC/GMT +9 hours)

2) Application from the Host Researcher in South Korea

Applications for the KRF program must be submitted to ERND system of NRF by host researchers in South Korea through the head of his/her institution. Overseas researchers wishing to participate in the KRF program are advised to establish contact with a host researcher in their field and to ask him/her to submit an application.

3) Submission of KRF Application: Online submission via the research support system (ERND) of the National Research Foundation of Korea (http://ernd.nrf.re.kr) by the host researchers by June 21st 2018, and approved by their host institutions by June 22nd 2018.

4) Necessary documents to be submitted: Refer to [Note 1] < Materials to be Submitted> and Appendix documents.

※ Please make the KRF application around total 30 pages except for cover, summary, attachments, and guidelines.

7. Contact Information

KRF program: Academic Infrastructure Support Team, NRF

(042-869-6377/6381(for English))

Online application: NRF researcher help system (1544-6118, Help Desk)

1. 사업 목적 

○ 잠재력 있는 해외 우수신진연구자가 국내에 장기체류하며 우수성과를 창출하고 우리나라 연구역량을 강화할 수 있도록 성장지원 체계 구축

2. 사업내용

. 유치대상 : ‘박사학위 취득 후 5년 이내’의* 외국인 연구자 및 해외 거주 한국인 연구자**

* 학위 수여 기준 : 2018년 2월 28 학위 취득자

** 한국인 연구자의 경우 해외대학 박사학위 취득과 해외기관 재직 필수

. 유치분야 : 과학기술 전 분야를 대상

* 사물인터넷(IOT) 플랫폼, 바이오 신약, 첨단소재, 재난 재해대응 등 투자 전략과 상관성이 높은 분야 우대지원 「2018년도 정부연구개발 투자방향 및 기준」(’17년 3월)

. 지원기간 : 최대 5년

* 3년 미만 지원 불가

. 지원내용

– (유형 1) 최대 70백만원/년(신진연구자 인건비, 체재비 등)

– (유형 2) 40백만원 내외/년(신진연구자 인건비)

* 유형2는 인건비의 기관(연구책임자 수행과제 포함) 매칭(20% 이상) 시행

(정부출연금이 아닌 신진연구자 총 인건비의 20% 이상 매칭 필수임에 유의)

3. 신청자격

주관기관 : 정부출연연구기관, 국․공립연구기관, 대학 및 대학부설연구기관, 기업부설연구소*

* 「기초연구진흥 및 기술개발지원에 관한 법률」제14조제1항 및 동법 시행령 제16조제1항에 따른 중소․중견․벤처 기업이 설립한 기업부설연구소


(유형1) 박사학위 취득 후 5년 이내(‘18.2.28.일 기준)의 해외거주 외국인 및 한국인 연구자*

* 한국인 연구자는 반드시 해외대학 박사학위 취득과 해외거주 필수

(유형2) 박사학위 취득 후 5년 이내(‘18.2.28.일 기준)의 국내거주 외국인 연구자

※ 해당 일자(`18.2.28.)기준 5년 이내로 박사학위 증명서가 제출필수

“학위 취득 예정증명서” 또는 (증명서 없이) 박사 후 경력증명서로는 신청 불가

4. 신청방법 및 제출서류

. 신청(접수)기간 : ’18.5.18.(금) ~ ’18.6.21.(목) 18:00

※ 주관연구기관 승인 : ~ ’18.6.22.(금) 18:00

 . 신청방법

 – 주관 연구기관 및 연구책임자가 우수한 해외 신진연구자를 발굴하여 한국연구재단 연구사업통합지원시스템 온라인 신청(ernd.nrf.re.kr)

– 신청서 및 제출서류는 한국연구재단 홈페이지 참고

5. 문의처

– 사업문의 : 한국연구재단 학술기반지원팀(042-869-6377, 6381(영어문의))

– 온라인 접수문의 : 한국연구재단 연구지원시스템(1544-6118, Help Desk)