정부 R&D 사업공고


2017 Korea-Swiss joint technology development business/2017년 한-스위스 양자공동기술개발(R&D) 사업 신규과제 공고

Mar 13. 2017
담당자[ person in charge ] 조아라 관련분야[ Related research area ]
연락처[ Contacts ] 052-217-1443 이메일[ E-mail ] cactus20@unist.ac.kr
부처명[ Goverment department ] 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] 한국산업기술진흥원[KIAT]
공고일[ Announcement date ] 2017.03.08 접수마감일[ Deadline ] 2017.04.28
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] 2017.04.28

2017년 한-스위스 양자공동기술개발(R&D) 사업 신규과제 공고



Deadline for Submission -19 June2017


1. Purpose of Funding…………………………………………………….2

2. Scope……………………………………………………………………….2

3. Call Structure and Submission……………………………………….3

4. Qualifications and Eligibility………………………………………….4

5. Evaluation…………………………………………………………………5

6. Funding…………………………………………………………………….6

7. Contacts for Details and Partner Search Requests……………..7

8. Annexes……………………………………………………………………8

8.1 Funding Regulations – South Korea…………………………….8

8.2 Funding regulations – Switzerland………………………………9



1. Purpose of Funding


S. Korea and Switzerlandare announcing abilateral call for joint R&D projectsaiming to support innovative propositionsin all scientific areas.The Call is open for all topics, but focuses on the development of products and services in the field of(1) biotechnology, (2) medical technology and (3) information and communication technology (ICT).Projects shall originate from applied research areas. Hence applicants are expected to develop ready to market solutions for products, technology based services or methods, which have a significant market potential for S. Korea and Switzerland.


● The call is announced within the framework of the Declaration of Intent on Call for Proposals among the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology, KIAT, andtheCommission for Technology and Innovation, CTI.

● KIAT andCTIwill provide access to public funding for joint projects. They will also provide all necessary assistance to project partners during project proposal and the project monitoring phase.


The aim is to strengthen the activity of the business and research community of both countries. The first two calls showed a high interest of scientific and technology exchange. The third call shall give the opportunity to further deepen and enlarge these collaborations.



2. Scope


Partners participating in the present call are welcome to apply in any scientificfield for innovation.The Call therefore is open for all topics, but focuses on the development of products and services within (1) biotechnology, (2) medical technology and (3) information and communication technology (ICT).


Project goals
The project partners should demonstrate:


● Complementary technological excellence and qualifications,

● Strong base of partnership and aim for continuing collaboration even beyond the project duration,

● Management ability to successfully carry out the project and implement the results,

● Mutual advancement of R&D through the transfer of knowledge and expertise.


All applicants should consider and address any dual use issues associated with their proposals. Research where downstream application is for national defence or security purposes, as well as research which poses a threat to public health will not be supported.


Innovation Content
The innovation aspect of a project must go beyond the international state of the art. The innovation project should be science-based, targeting to achieve advances in technology or service aspects. The main objectives in terms of performance of the product, process or serviceand cost issues (with regard to competitively) shall be presented in a comprehensive way.


The project is targeting to establish a new, or to integrate into an existing value chain. A market and implementation idea must exist for the planned product, process or service.



3. Call Structure and Submission


The call is structured as single-step submission procedure. The partners are invited to present one joint fullproposal of an innovative idea based on an applied R&D project. The necessary documents related to the call are available on the webpages of both countries, S. Korea and Switzerland. The listed regulations and qualifications apply to all applicants.


In addition, there are separate national regulations of the funding organisations of each country. Applicants of each country must refer and comply with the applicableregulations of the national funding organisations (see Annex I for S. Korea and Annex II for Switzerland).


Following documents are required for getting the formal submission approved:

– Korean Partners fill in their project scope using the KIAT application formin Korean including its English version

– Swiss Partners fill in their project scope in English using the English CTI application form (PDF-template – issued 2 February 2017 – ; or on-line application form)


In addition the project partners submit a common short overview of the project idea on a jointspecial form (called KR-CH_Call 2017_joint application form) written in English language. This form can be downloaded from the webpages of KIAT and CTI.
All duly completed project formsmust be submittedto KIAT for Korean partners and to CTI for Swiss partners as explained below.


● In Korea, the participants will have to submit a formal KIAT application through Project Management System(·http://www.pms.re.kr).

● In Switzerland, the participants will have to submit the application forms as described on the CTI webpage.


Thecall is launched on 8March2017by KIAT and CTI. It is open until19June 2017, 17:00 local time.


Links to the application forms in:
S. Korea: http://www.pms.re.kr
Switzerland: ·www.kti.admin.ch/southcoreacall


Indicative Timetable

Indicative Timetable
Indicative Timetable

Launch of call

08March 2017

Deadline for submission

19June 2017

Evaluation of proposals

June-September 2017

Consensus Meeting

mid-September 2017

Communication of the results

Beginning of Oktober 2017

Start of projects for:



after submission of all requested documents and signing of contract between CTI and Swiss project partners; tentatively 1 January 2018.


Supportive Measures

KIAT and CTI as well as the Swiss Embassy in Korea will facilitate the identification of project partners within academia as well as among industry partners. They are cooperating with Enterprise Europe Network, with national clusters and other national experts and points of contact.



4. Qualifications and Eligibility


All proposals must meet following eligibility criteria to be qualified for evaluation:

– The partners (project consortia) must include at least one commercial company from each country and one research institute from Switzerland.

– The participation of further research organizations and further commercial companies from both countries according to each country’s funding regulations is welcome.

– The research organizations and commercial companies must comply with the regulations of their respective country.

– The project partners shall name a designated main-coordinator.

– The project duration cannot be more than three years.

– The project should demonstrate the contribution of the participants from both countries on an equal base, and the project must be equally significant to all participants. One country cannot represent more than 70% of the overall project budget.

– With the proposal,the consortium shall present a draft agreement on the Intellectual Property Rights IPR (can be part of the consortium agreement).


Only proposals meeting all eligibility criteria will be considered for evaluation. There will be no opportunity to correct errors in the proposals after the application deadline.

Please note that the inclusion of an ineligible partner in a proposal will result in the rejection of the entire proposal without further review. For the definition of eligible partners, see the national regulations and contact your national contact person



5. Evaluation


Proposals will be evaluated accordingto:

– project goals described under para. 2

– national funding criteria.


The evaluation will be assessed individually by the reviewers of KIAT and CTI for their national scope of participation. At the end of the evaluation the reviewers shall attribute an overall statement based on an ABC-System for the proposal according to the scale as shown in Table 1.

Overall score A B C

Assessment of Funding Agency


Fund if available budget and national regulations allow

Do not fund

According reviewer recommendation

High Priority: very innovative, high potential for market penetration

Medium Priority: Innovative, reasonable market potential

Low Priority / not competitive: ratherlow innovation, rather weak market implementation


Table 1: Scale of ratings for proposal evaluation by remote reviewers (A is highest).


In a joint consensus meeting (common final assessment)KIAT and the CTI will decide in due consideration of the available budget of each country. The applicants will be notified of the results of the common assessment at the beginning of October 2017.



6. Funding


Financing Rules

● The applications have to be in line with the rules of KIAT and CTI explained below. On request partners will be instructed in detail by the contact persons of the two agencieshow to apply for funding (please refer to para. 8).

● Each country will fund its eligible participants according to their national procedure and funding rules. Funding conditions and eligibility criteria may vary between S. Korea and Switzerland. The main aspects of funding criteria are explained below (for further details see annex 8.1 and annex 8.2) and in chapter 2 “Project goals”.

● The project partners must submit a common consortium agreement (incl. IPR agreement) to KIAT and the CTIprior to start of the project.


CTI funding:


CTI is responsible for encouraging science-based innovation in Switzerland. One of its main task is to help the innovation of products and services onto the market to the benefit of the Swiss economy. CTI fundingis approved to Swiss project partners as follows:

● Swiss academic partner and Swiss company share costs of the project 50:50;CTI may fund the share of the Swiss academic partner, i.e. up to 50% of eligible project costs;

● The industry partner has to cover at least 50% of the project costs from the total project work of the Swiss partners. The industry partner(s) must also provide a cash contribution to its academic partner in the amount of 10% of the requested CTI funding.

● Swiss Companies get a non-exclusiveright to exploit the project results in their specific business area.


S. Korea
KIAT funding:


The Korean dedicated budget provided by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and managed by KIAT is open to all type of applications from Korean companies with registered R&D laboratories, Korean research institutes and universities.


Project funding consists of government contributions and civilian dues (cash and in-kind). The amount of government contributions will vary depending on the type of executing organizations and project in accordance with Article 24 (Funding criteria) and Article 25 (Civilian dues) of the Common Operational Regulations for the Industrial Technology Innovation Programs.



7. Contacts for Details and Partner Search Requests


7. Contacts for Details and Partner Search Requests
Contacts for Details and Partner Search Requests

Ms. Somie Yoon
Phone : +82 2 6009 3181

Ms. Eunjung Kim
Phone : +82 2 60093180


Mr. Alain Dietrich
Phone : +41 58 464 92 87
Mrs. Barbara Pfluger
Phone: +41 58 462 06 96

Embassy of Switzerland in the Republic of Korea
Ji Hyun Lim
orea: +82 2 3704-4712
Phone from Switzerland:
+41 58-4800-132



8. Annexes


8.1 Funding Regulations – South Korea according to para. 6 of the call document


A party that participates in a project shall carry out its project using the government contributions allocated to it, and for-profit organizations shall individually bear the cash portion of civilian dues.

Classification Share of government contributions in executing organization’s project budget Share of cash in executing organization’s civilian dues
Original technology Innovative product Original technology Innovative product
Large company 50% or less 33% or less 60% or more
Mid-tier company 70% or less 50% or less 50% or more
SME 75% or less 67% or less 40% or more
Other 100% or less 100% or less To be borne if necessary


8.2 Funding regulations – Switzerland according to para. 6 of the call document


The usual CTI funding rules and application forms will apply for this call:

● At least one Swiss company and one Swiss ‘not-for-profit’ research institution or university research centre (university, Federal Institute of Technology, University of Applied Sciences) recognised by the CTI must be involved in a CTI funded R&D project.

● If the main coordinator of the consortium is the Swiss partner, it must be the Main Research Partner.

● The industry partner has to cover at least 50% of the project costs from the total project work of the Swiss partners. The industry partner(s) must also provide a cash contribution to its academic partner in the amount of 10% of the requested CTI funding.

● There is no federal funding allowed to companies (implementation partner).

● The project focuses on innovation. In general, no funding will be given to projects which propose marginal improvements of existing products, nor for projects with a purely basic research content.

● The criteria for proposal assessment are: degree of innovation with its economic impact, and scientific excellence, commercial potential, contribution to sustainable development, clear work programme and a transparent budget.

● The project must have quantified, measurable goals and a coherent and structured schedule with verifiable progress milestones. It must be based on a thorough appraisal of the current state of the relevant technology and on an evaluation of the corresponding data base and patent rights.

● The project partners must submit a common consortium agreement (incl. IPR agreement) to KIAT and the CTI prior to start of the project.


During granted projects:

● Regular reviews by CTI experts help the partners to adhere to the project contents and time schedule where necessary by asking for timely corrections.

● At the end of the project, a plan must be presented showing how the results will be implemented.


For more details, please refer to the CTI webpage with following link:

