정부 R&D 사업공고


[2017 International Exchange Cooperation Research Planning and Evaluation Project] 2017년 국제교류협력 연구기획평가사업 신규과제 공모

Oct 10. 2017
담당자[ person in charge ] 신동욱 관련분야[ Related research area ]
연락처[ Contacts ] 052-217-1444 이메일[ E-mail ] dwshin@unist.ac.kr
부처명[ Goverment department ] [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] [NRF]한국연구재단
공고일[ Announcement date ] 2017.10.10 접수마감일[ Deadline ] 2017.10.20
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] 2017.10.20

[2017 International Exchange Cooperation Research Planning and Evaluation Project]

1. Project Name : Research planning for strategic international joint research

2. Business Purpose : to identify and promote strategic international joint research projects to secure high technology and solve common problems for humanity in preparation for the 4th industrial revolution.

3. Research Period : 1-Nov-2017 ~ 28-Feb-2018 (for 4months)

4. How to Apply
○ Application period : 11-Oct-2017 ~ 20-Oct-2017 18pm
○ Apply through web site(http://ernd.nrf.re.kr)
○ Required documents
– Please refer to attachment 4 and 5.

5. Inquiries
– MSIT : 02-2110-2311 / 224e6970@korea.kr
– ERND : 02-3460-5618 / ejyang@nrf.re.kr

1. 사업개요

○ 과제명 : 전략형 국제공동연구 추진을 위한 기획 연구

○ 사업목적

– 4차 산업혁명 대비 첨단기술 확보 및 인류공동문제 해결을 위한 전략형 국제공동연구 프로젝트 발굴ㆍ추진


2. 지원규모 및 연구기간

○ 지원규모 : 40백만원

○ 연구기간 : 2017.11.1~2018.2.28.(4개월)

※ 세부 공고내용은 [붙임1] 공고문 참조


3. 신청안내

○ 신청기간 : 2017.10.11.(수)~2017.10.20.(금) 18:00까지 (주관기관 승인 포함)

○ 신청방법 : 재단 연구지원시스템(http://ernd.nrf.re.kr)에 접속하여 신청

○ 제출서류

– 정책ㆍ기획연구과제 계획서 1부 ([붙임4] 참조)

– 개인정보제공 및 활용동의서 1부 ([붙임5] 참조)


4. 문의처

○ 과학기술정보통신부 국제협력관 구주아프리카협력담당관

– 조병현 사무관 : 02-2110-2311 / 224e6970@korea.kr

○ 한국연구재단 국제협력센터 유럽협력팀

– 양은정 연구원 : 02-3460-5618 / ejyang@nrf.re.kr

– 한국연구재단 ERND 온라인 접수관련 문의 : 1544-6118



붙임 1. 2017 국제교류협력 연구기획평가사업 기획연구과제 공고문
붙임 2. 연구기획사업 제안요청서(RFP)
붙임 3. 연구비 산정 및 집행기준표
붙임 4. 정책기획연구과제 계획서 양식
붙임 5. 개인정보제공 및 활용동의서