정부 R&D 사업공고


2013년도 한-스위스 협력기반조성사업 신규과제 공고(Fourth Call for Proposals for the Strategic Korean-Swiss Cooperative Program in Science and Technology)

Sep 18. 2012
담당자[ person in charge ] 김영경 관련분야[ Related research area ]
연락처[ Contacts ] 이메일[ E-mail ] fkendo@unist.ac.kr
부처명[ Goverment department ] 교육과학기술부 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] 한국연구재단
공고일[ Announcement date ] 2012.09.03 접수마감일[ Deadline ] 2012.10.31
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] 2012.10.26

1. 사업목적
□ 한․스위스 과학기술협정에 따라 양국 과학기술공동위원회에서 양국간 협력사업 합의
□ 양국 연구자간의 공동연구를 지원함으로써 상호 연구능력 제고
□ 한․스위스 과학기술협력사업을 통해 양국 연구자 간의 신규 네트워크 발굴 및 지원

2. 사업내용
□ 지원기간 : 2013년 1월 ~ 2013년 12월 (1년간)
□ 대상사업 : 공동연구
□ 지원규모 : 과제당 약 60,000천원 내외
    양국간 합의 및 선정된 과제의 경우, 2013년도 1월에 연구개시 예정
□ 신청자격 : 「기초연구진흥 및 기술개발지원에 관한 법률」제14조 제1항에서 정하는 기관 및 단체에 소속한 연구자
□ 참여제한 
 ◦ 「국가연구개발사업의관리등에관한규정」등 제규정에 의거 참여제한을 받는 자
   과제 접수 온라인 신청마감일 현재까지 상기 규정에 의거 사업 참여 제한을 받는 연구자의 경우 신청 불가
 ◦ 동 사업은 연구비 규모 50,000천원 이상의 공동연구 사업으로, 「교육과학기술부 소관 연구개발사업 처리규정」제18조 제2항에 의한 연구과제 수 상한제도(3책5공제)를 적용받는 사업임
  ※ 연구과제 수 상한 제도 : 연구자가 동시에 수행할 수 있는 연구개발과제는 최대 5개 이내로 하며, 그 중 연구책임자로서 동시에 수행할 수 있는 연구개발과제는 최대 3개 이내로 함
    – 예외사항으로, 해당과제의 기술적, 정책적 중요성, 연구개발 추진의 시급성 등에 대한 전문적 판단에 따라 동시수행 과제 수 이상 가능하며,
    – 예외 인정 절차는 과제 선정평가 시 전문가 심의를 통해 추진함
    – 동 과제를 연구과제 수 상한 제도의 예외로 인정받고자 하는 경우, [별첨4]의 예외인정요청서를 작성하여 과제 신청시 함께 제출할 것
□ 대상분야 : 에너지기술(Energy), 환경기술(Environment), 정보통신(IT), 생명과학(Life Sciences), 재료과학(Material Sciences)

3. 선정평가 절차 및 항목
 □ 평가절차
  ◦ 사업신청서 제출(주관연구기관) ➡ 접수과제 교환 및 평가(양국개별진행) ➡ 사전협의(상대국과 협의) ➡ 양국 협의를 통해 최종 과제 선정
 □ 평가방법 : 전문가 평가
  ◦ 접수 과제 수 및 분야 등을 고려하여 추후 평가방법(서면 혹은 발표 등) 결정
□ 평가항목
  ◦ 연구개발계획의 창의성 및 충실성
  ◦ 연구(개발) 목표의 적절성
  ◦ 연구목표의 달성가능성 
  ◦ 기대성과 및 활용방안의 적절성 
  ◦ 연구참여진(연구팀)의 연구 수행역량 등

4. 제출서류 및 작성요령
□ 제출서류 : ①국문 신청서 1부 ②영문 신청서 1부 ③타과제수행현황 1부 
             ④예외인정요청서 1부
□ 작성시 유의사항
 ◦ 모든 신청 서류는 온라인시스템으로 제출할 것(※http://ernd.nrf.re.kr)
 ◦ 영문신청서는 총 20페이지 이내로 작성할 것
 ◦ 영문 과제신청서는, ETHZ에 제출하는 스위스측 상대 연구자의 영문 과제 신청서와 상호 동일한 내용으로 제출함이 원칙
  ◦ 스위스 연구자와 협의하여 영문신청서 상의 “Specific Research Field”에 상대국 연구자와 동일한 기술 분야를 기술할 수 있도록 할 것

5. 접수기간 및 접수처
□ 접수기간 : 2012. 9. 3(월) ~ 2012. 10. 31(수) 18:00까지 도착분에 한함
 ◦ 주관연구기관 승인 기간 : 마감일로부터 2일 이내(11. 2(금)까지)
□ 접수방법 : 온라인 접수 시스템에 (http://ernd.nrf.re.kr) 관련 파일을 모두 업로드
 ◦ 신청서 접수 후 반드시 주관연구기관의 승인을 받을 것

6. 추진일정
□ 2012. 10. 31 : 접수 마감
□ 2012. 11. 5 : 접수과제 교환
□ 2012. 11. 15 : 신규과제 선정평가
□ 2012. 11. 19 : 평가결과 교환 및 과제 선정 협의
□ 2012. 12. 7 : 신규과제 선정 공고
□ 2013. 1월 : 연구 개시
7. 문의처
□ 교육과학기술부 글로벌협력담당관 조태섭 서기관
– 전화 02)2100-6777  Fax 02)2100-6788  E-mail tsjoe@mest.go.kr
□ 한국연구재단 박보경 담당자
– 전화 02)3460-5723  Fax 02)3460-5630  E-mail bok07@nrf.re.kr
□ 스위스측 문의처 : ETHZ(스위스연방취리히공대) Dr. Rahel Byland
– 전화 +41 44 632 84 65  E-mail rahel.byland@sl.ethz.ch

붙임 1. 국문신청서 양식 1부 
     2. 영문신청서 양식 1부
     3. 타과제수행현황 양식 1부
     4. 예외인정요청서 양식 1부
     5. Notice(Attachment)

1. General Description


1.1 Background and aim of the program

In their ‘message for the promotion of education, research and innovation 2008-2011’ the Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER) defined eight priority countries for bilateral science and technology cooperation programs (Korea, China, India, South Africa, Russia, Japan, Chile and Brazil).

A mandate was given to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), who is acting as Leading House for the cooperation programs with China, and coordinating the programs for Japan and Korea, and ensures that all Swiss Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences are granted access to these programs.

The Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), recognizing the significance of the cooperation with Switzerland in the field of science and technology, has been promoting various bilateral initiatives by researchers from the two countries.

The National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) is playing an important role in the bilateral cooperation as a funding agency facilitating networking activities and cooperative research between the two countries.

In this context, the Korean-Swiss cooperative program is thus supported by the SER with an annual amount of CHF 290’000, and KRW 360 million as matching funds are provided by the MEST. Based on the mutual action plan signed on the 16th June 2009 and the minutes of the second joint committee meeting on 18th May 2011, the SER and MEST have agreed to set up a joint funding program that will support Korean-Swiss cooperative research projects with the main aim of promoting the scientific and cultural exchange between researchers of the two countries. After three Calls in 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively, applications can now be made in response to the fourth call for proposals.


1.2. Research areas

The aim of the program is to strengthen bilateral collaboration and specifically promote scientific exchange between Korea and Switzerland within fields of Science and Technology.

Specific fields to be supported are:

1. Energy

2. Environment

3. IT

4. Life Sciences

5. Material Sciences


1.3. Eligible Applicants

NRF and ETH Zurich invite Korean and Swiss researchers to submit proposals for cooperative research projects in the research areas described above.

All applicants must meet their respective national eligibility rules for research grant application.


Swiss applicants should be faculty members at a Swiss University, University of Applied Sciences or principal investigators at a Swiss Research Institute.


Korean applicants should be employed by Korean institutions, which meet the requirement stipulated in Korean R&D regulations. The Republic of Korea has specified institutions eligible to conduct government-funded research projects in Article 7 of the Technology Development Promotion Act. Domestic and foreign research institutes that have research staff and facilities that meets the standards set in related laws-e.g. research institutes established according to a specific law, corporate research institutes, universities, state and public research institutes, and medical corporations-are qualified to perform research projects. Principal Investigators (PI) are researchers who are appointed by the head of the research institute. This position is limited to those who have research experience in their areas of specialty and are competent in conducting research.





1.4. Project Duration

This program is focusing on establishing joint research projects and producing first results for application to larger funding opportunities. Thus the support period is limited to maximum 1 year or the duration of the proposed project.



2. Financial Support


This program is designed to support expenses for consumables, salaries for students and young researchers and expenses related to the exchange of researchers between Korea and Switzerland with the precondition that the main research infrastructure is already ensured for each research group.

NRF supports expenses for researchers from Korea, and ETHZ supports expenses for researchers from Switzerland.


2.1. Budget

2.1.1 ETHZ/SER

Each project will typically be supported with amounts up to CHF 48’000 from the Swiss side considering the budget requested by the Swiss Principal Investigator.


2.1.2 NRF/MEST

Each project will typically be supported with amounts up to KRW 60 Million considering the budget requested by the Korean Principal Investigator. .


2.1.3 Total Budget

The total expected number of projects to be annually funded will thus be approximately 6. More projects can be funded if the budgets presented are below the maximum amount.




2.1.4 Funded expenses

The aim of this program is to foster scientific and cultural exchange between Korean and Swiss researchers and establishing high quality cooperation projects. Funding will therefore be provided in support of the collaboration vectors and should be declared within one of the following categories:

  • Travel expenses and living allowance (for the exchange of researchers)
  • Expenses on consumables and research facilities
  • Salaries for students or young researchers


2.2 Details of Support

2.2.1 Governance in Switzerland

Swiss applicants have to respect the laws of Switzerland and guidelines for grant applications of their respective institutions.


2.2.2 Governance in Korea

Korean applicants have to respect the laws and regulations of Korea as well as contracts that will be concluded between the applicants and MEST/NRF.


2.2.3 Contracts between Researchers

If a contract between Korean and Swiss researchers for cooperative research is necessary for implementing actual research cooperation between researchers, such a contract should be concluded between the Korean institutions and the Swiss institutions. In the event that intellectual property rights arise from the program, the researchers involved will follow their own rules according to Art. 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. In the case that the intellectual property is owned jointly as such, but not limited to a protectable invention, software or biological material, the co-owning institutions shall conclude an inter-institutional agreement. In such an agreement the questions of ownership of the relevant intellectual property, coordination and financing of protection and exploitation as well as the distribution of any revenues shall be addressed.


Any concluded agreements should be reported in the proposals.

3. Application Procedures


3.1 Application Details

The Korean and Swiss Principal Investigators shall jointly write a proposal and submit it to their respective program office, NRF for Korean Principal Investigators and ETH Zurich for Swiss Principal Investigators. The proposal shall be written in English and include the following:


Form 1)           Title of the research project

            Details and affiliation of applicants

            Signatures of principal investigators

Form 2)           Summary of the proposed research project

Form 3)           CVs of the Korean and Swiss principal investigators. Bibliography including the most important publications of the last 5 years.

Form 4)           List of involved researchers on Korean and Swiss side.

Form 5)           Description of the joint research project including scientific relevance, benefits of cooperation, expected outcome and relevance for society and industry. (not exceeding 10 pages)

Form 6)           Requested budget items according to the different categories (see article 2.1.4.) separately presented for the Korean and Swiss side of the project.


Application forms are attached with this call and additional forms will be available for download on NRF and ETH Zurich websites.


3.2 Submission of Application Forms for Korean and Swiss Applicants

The 2012 Call will be launched on September 3 and close on October 31, 2012


Korean applicants shall send their application forms to NRF (contact below)




Ms. Bokyung Park

American European Team , Office of American European Affairs

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

25 Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-748, Rep. of Korea

Tel.+82 2 3460 5723



Swiss applicants shall send their application forms to ETH Zurich (contact below)
