해양분야 지역상생형 국가연구개발 추가수요 (National R&D demand survey for regional win-win in the maritime sector)
Sep 14. 2021
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담당자[ person in charge ] | 김경진 | 관련분야[ Related research area ] | |
연락처[ Contacts ] | 이메일[ E-mail ] | ||
부처명[ Goverment department ] | 한국해양과학기술원 | 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] | |
공고일[ Announcement date ] | 1970.01.01 | 접수마감일[ Deadline ] | 2021.09.29 |
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] |
해양분야 지역상생형 국가연구개발 추가수요
○ 목 적 : 지역수요에 기초한 지역상생형 해양과학기술 개발사업 발굴
○ 제안방법 : 과제 수요조사서(양식)를 참조하여 이메일(kjkim@kiost.ac.kr)제출
○ 제출기한 : ‘21.09.29.(수)
○ 문의사항 : 한국해양과학기술원 김경진 책임기술원(☏051-664-9052)
National R&D demand survey for regional win-win in the maritime sector
o purpose : Discovering regional win-win marine science and technology development projects based on local demand
o period of investigation : until september 29(wed)
o survey method : demand survey (attached) e-mail submission(kjkim@kiost.ac.kr)
o submitted to : KIOST, KIM KYUNGJIN(kjkim@kiost.ac.kr)
* contact : KIOST(Research Project strategy Affairs Section), KIM KYUNGJIN(☏051-664-9052)