

[MDiMune, Research Contest ‘1st BioDrone Award&apos’] [엠디뮨] 연구공모전 '1st BioDrone Award&apos

Aug 20. 2020
  1. Purpose : To promote the development of new drugs based on BioDrone by discovering and supporting excellent technologies that can be introduced and applied to the next generation drug delivery platform “BioDrone” of MDiMUNE Co., Ltd.
  2.  Subject : Discovering new technologies for applying the BioDrone platform
  3.  Supports : 50,000,000 won per research project
  4. Application Period :  2020. 08.03(MON) ~ 08.31(MON) 17:00 


  1. 공모목적 : (주)엠디뮨의 차세대 약물전달플랫폼 “BioDrone”에 도입 및 적용가능한 우수한 기술을 발굴하여 지원함으로써 BioDrone기반 신약개발을 촉진함
  2. 연구주제 :  BioDrone 플랫폼적용 신규 기술 발굴
  3. 연구비 : 연구과제당 50,000,000원
  4. 접수기간 : 2020.08.03 (월) ~2020.08.31(월) 17:00pm