

교과부「대학 연구비관리 선진화 방안」알림

Sep 08. 2011

교육과학기술부(장관 이주호)에서 대학현장의 연구자율성과 책무성 조화를 위한 「대학 연구비관리 선진화 방안」을 확정·발표가 있어 알려드리고자 합니다. 
주요내용은 연구비 집행의 자율성 확대 및 책무성 강화 기본 방향에 관한 것입니다. 

1.  연구자의 자율성 확대 측면

▶연구활동비 계상기준 정비

▶간접비 집행허용 항목으로 연구실 운영경비 신설 

▶학생인건비 풀링제 정착 등 

2.  연구자의 책무성 강화 측면

▶연구장비구매 기준 강화 

▶연구비중앙관리실태조사 선진화 

▶참여제한 연구자 관리강화 

▶제재부가금 부과 등 

또한 규정의 미숙지로 인한 부적절한 사용을 사전에 예방하기 위해 연구비관리 교육과정도 강화할 방침임.  

상세한 내용은 첨부파일에  “대학 연구비관리 선진화 방안 세부과제별 개선내용“를 올려드리니 연구활동시 참고 부탁드립니다. 


Dear UNIST faculty members,


Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has amended policies on grant management.

The policy has been amended in ways to increases flexibility and responsibility in managing grant

Amendment made for this time follows as below

1. Regulation on expenses used for research discussion will be redefined in a specific and united  way across different research facilities

2. Regulation on lab operating fees will be newly introduced

3. Regulation on ‘student wage pool’ will continue as now

  •    Grant funds that are assigned to student wage should be used up  within 1 year after a certain project closes

    (This is relevant to ‘student wage pool’-specific grant)

4. Regulation on uploading data into on-line monitoring system for  grant use will be reinforced

  •    Data should be uploaded within 30days after grant use

5. Regulation on equipment purchase will be reinforced

  •   More than One hundred thousand worth of research equipment needs to be inspected based on specifications before use of the equipment

6. Grant Audit will operated in a systematic way

  •      On site audit will be conducted by experts

7. Alarming system for mis-use of research cards will be introduced

8. Restriction on involvement in research activities will be reinforced for those who violate certain regulations

9. Misuse of grant funds should be returned 5 times as much as the misused amount of the grant funds

10. Information on proper use of grant funds will be provided to head researchers


Thank you