연구사업 수요조사

연구사업 수요조사
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
149 해양수산부 UN 해양과학 10개년(UN Ocean Decade) 프로그램 안내 및 국내전문가 참여현황 조사 UN Ocean Decade Pr.. 2021.08.10 2021.08.20
148 과학기술정보통신부 감염병 분야 한-미 공동연구 수요조사 실시 안내 Information of the Korea-U.S. Joint Research Demand Sur.. 2021.07.26 2021.08.08
147 울산연구원 Information on conducting a research demand survey to discover research projects of Ulsan Research Institute in 2022: 20.. 2021.08.13
146 경찰청 Guidance on Research and Development Technology Demand Survey in Scientific Investigation Field in 2021: 2021년도 과.. 2021.07.12 2021.09.29
145 낙동강유역환경청 Conducting a Demand Survey on New Research Projects for the Nakdong River Environmental Basic Survey Project in 2022, 2.. 2021.07.08 2021.09.17
144 행정안전부, 과학기술정보통신부 A survey on the demand for pending issues for the National Life Safety Emergency Response Development Project in 2021 :..
143 울산광역시 여성가족개발원 Ulsan Women and Family Development Institute will conduct a research project demand survey in 2022:울산여성가족개.. 2021.06.11
142 과학기술정보통신부 Request for ‘Korea-Spain Science and Technology, ICT Cooperation Status and Cooperation Agenda’ / 한-스페.. 2021.06.01 2021.06.30
141 에너지경제연구원 Korea Energy Economics Institute’s Demand Survey to Discover Basic Research Projects in 2022 : 에너지경제연구.. 2021.05.31
140 과학기술정보통신부 Request for proposals for Korea-Costa Rica, Korea-Brazil, and Korea-Australia cooperation agenda and submission of major.. 2021.05.14 2021.06.07