National R&D Project

National R&D Project
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3241 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 2nd Safety Certification Capacity Enhancement Project (Establishment of the basis for consumer product safety tech.. 2018.05.10 2018.05.24
3240 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement of New Project for National Safety Enhancement Technology Development]2018년도 국민안전증진.. 2018.05.02 2018.05.23
3239 극지연구소 [2018 Announcement of New Support for Academic-Industrial Polar Research Promotion Program]2018년 학ㆍ연 극지연.. 2018.04.24 2018.05.22
3238 [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [2018 Announcement of New Project for Korea-Canada Collaborative Infrastructure Business]2018년도 한-캐나다 협력.. 2018.04.23 2018.05.23
3237 [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [2018 Announcement of New Project for Korea-Slovakia Manpower Exchange Program]2018년도 한-슬로바키아 인력교.. 2018.04.16 2018.06.11
3236 [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [2018 Re-Announcement for Next-generation Biomass Research Business]2018년도 차세대바이오매스연구사업 신.. 2018.04.16 2018.04.25
3235 [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [2018 Announcement of New support for Nano·Material Technology Development Business]2018년도 제1차 나노·소재.. 2018.04.17 2018.05.23
3234 과기정통부(MSIT) [2018 Nuclear Energy Research Infrastructure Program] 2018년 원자력연구기반확충사업 신규공고 2018.05.16 2018.05.23
3233 [RDA]농촌진흥청 [2018 RDA Agricultural Science and Technology R&D Project] 2018년 농촌진흥청 농업과학기술 연구개발.. 2018.04.17 2018.04.27
3232 방위사업청[DAPA] [Announcement of National Defense New Concept Technology Business]국방 신개념기술시범사업 과제 공모 2018.04.06 2018.05.10
3231 환경부[Ministry of Environment] [Announcement of 2018 New R&D project for Environmental Technology Development] 2018년 환경기술개발사업 .. 2018.04.06 2018.05.08
3230 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement of Carbon Composite Reliability Assessment Foundation Business]2018년도 탄소복합재신뢰성평.. 2018.03.19 2018.04.16
3229 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Re-announcement of New Support for Power Informationization and Policy Support (establishment of power technology .. 2018.04.05 2018.04.16
3228 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Re-Announcement for New Renewable Energy Core Technology Development Project(Designated Public Competition Type)]2.. 2018.04.03 2018.04.23
3227 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Re-Announcement for New Renewable Energy Core Technology Development Project(Item Designated Type)]2018년도 (제.. 2018.03.30 2018.04.20
3226 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 2nd Announcement of Energy Human Resource Development New Project2018년도 에너지인력양성사업 신규지.. 2018.03.29 2018.04.26
3225 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement of Implementation Plan for Strengthening Competitiveness of Safety ndustry]2018년도 안전산업경.. 2018.04.06 2018.05.07
3224 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement of Implementation Plan for Promotion of Utilization of Industrial Technology Infrastructure]「산업.. 2018.04.23 2018.04.26
3223 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement for Establishment of Base for Female R&D Reserchers Participation in Industrial Field ]2018년.. 2018.03.26 2018.04.26
3222 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 South Korea-Canada International Collaborative Technology Development Business]2018년 한-캐나다 국제공동.. 2018.03.23 2018.06.11